The editing of Random Lengths News leaves much to be desired.

The subtitle for the editorial reads "Aiken", while the impolitic political cartoon next to the editorial reads "Dr. Akin's Guide to the Female Body."

I think that RLN should be "achin'' for a better editor.

At any rate, the notion that people look at San Pedro/Wilmington when things go bad, and see "The Port of Los Angeles" when things go well is more a function of which part of the city is thriving and which is diving.

The Port of Los Angeles takes in much of the press, good or bad, just by being the largest port in the country. If Downtown San Pedro truly wants to market itself, why not find a way to make living and shopping and going about one's life and times in the region a matter of more private initiative?

Getting rid of all those parking meters was a good start, even though the city spent all the money which it had made from the parking meters just to take them down again. Who is in charge of these inane policies? Where as Councilwoman then Congresswoman Janice Hahn when the meters were installed in the first place?

I wish that city and community leaders would get made enough to see the insanity that comes out of Downtown. Joe Buscaino should spend every minute of every day pushing for secession from the Empire of Los Angeles, and fast! Wilmington has a strong tax base, does it not? Time to dial back on the 1909 "consolidation".

As for Akin's "legitimate rape" comment, the real "lemmings" appear to be the mainstream media and the alternative media outlets which are marching in lock-step lunacy pillorying a Congressman whose gaffe poorly articulated the legal differences of forcible rape versus statutory rape. Vice Presidential candidate candidly cut through the crap during one interview, stating, "Rape is rape!" That is the final issue. However, since the media cannot ignore the flaps which fly out of the mouths of social conservatives, pundits will keep pounding Akin, who has rebounded from this debacle and is steadily moving back into the fight against "Tax-and-Spend" Claire McCaskill of Missouri.

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