New polls indicated that in just two short weeks, Congressman Todd Akin has closed the ten point gaffe-gap which emerged following the media and the political class' overblown reaction to his comments on rape and abortion. In one poll, Akin now has the lead, in another poll the race is now in a dead heat.

The people of Missouri have sent the message loud and clear: they choose their senators, not the Washington Beltway Elite, not the timid Republican Party Establishment.
Todd Akin is listening. He apologized and has moved on. Senator Claire McCaskill has never listened to her constituents. She voted for ObamaCare, even when voters throughout the state lectured her that the Constitution contains no provisions whatsoever about providing health care to the American People.

Washington is out of control, taxing, spending, regulating, and frustrating interstate commerce, while diminishing individual liberties and private enterprise. The Progressive vision of President Barack Obama has been a regressive failure, and Senator Claire McCaskill, one of the first Democratic Senators to endorse Barack Obama in 2008, has marched in line with every failed policy, from the failed stimulus which failed to stimulate, to the toothless, overwritten Dodd-Frank Bill which is punishing small banks and financial firms instead of reining in the fractional reserve banking of the larger financial institutions, whose reckless investments coasting on the government-backed moral hazard has only gotten worse under the Obama Administration.

The Mainstream Meadia screamed anti-woman condemnation on the Republican Party because of Congressman Todd Akin's "extreme" views on abortion.

Yet the Democratic Party platform reads as follows:

"Choice: The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives." Democratic Party Platform on Abortion

The Democratic Party platform pretty much amounts to "Abortion on Demand", an untenable position which the vast majority of voters do not support in this country. Claire McCaskill stands by her party and their extreme platform. When will the Mainstream Media hold her accountable for standing by such an unacceptable position on abortion?

In one townhall meeting, when a McCaskill surrogate was attempting to drum up support for ObamaCare, which then and now remains unpopular, one nurse shared about a harrowing experience of aborting a child, in which she saw the severed head after the "procedure." I was shocked, that poor woman still had nightmares about the terrible abortion.

Not Todd Akin, but Senator Claire McCaskill should get out of the race. Her party and her views are extreme, not mainstream, from the explosion of the federal government, to the improper expansion of taxation, to the views of her party on abortion and other social issues.

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