George Allen for US Senate

Suggesting an unprecedented realignment in Southern politics,
Virginia is emerging as another swing state for the first time in nearly fifty

Ever since Barack Obama took Virginia in the 2008 election,
pollsters and pundits have kept a sharp eye on the “Old Dominion” State.

However, the polling since 2009 and onward has suggested that
contrary to the seeming Democratic trend which is creeping up in this Southern
state, a Republic Renaissance is coming back into play.

Consider the sudden turnaround by Governor Bob McDonnell, in which
he won the executive office by
turning  back a lingering Democratic insurgence.  McDonnell took back the Governor’s Mansion by
against Creigh Deeds, who had the backing of Obama and the previous
Democratic “resurgence of 2008”, which petered out, restoring Republicans to
power throughout the entire state.

In 2010, three
Congressional seats flipped Republican
, further solidifying the trend that
the Republican brand of limited government and fiscal discipline is still the
winning choice.  Currently, eight of the
eleven House seats remain within
the GOP column.

Eric Cantor , another
Virginian, serves as Majority Leader, a unique politician since he is a Jewish
Republican and a signal that the Jewish committee in this country wants real
leadership when it comes to defending Israel.

Now, Senator James Webb, who had served as an undersecretary of
the Navy under Ronald Reagan, ran for the Senate seat in 2006 as a center-right
candidate, and nothing in Virginia politics would suggest that this trend has
changed. George Allen, a respected Governor and Senator for Virginia from
2001-2007, as well as serving as a
Delegate and Congressman
, ran for reelection in a bad year for Republicans,
yet he only lost the election
one percentage point

Senator George Allen has returned, ready to reclaim the seat that
he lost by ten thousand votes, and he deserves the honor of return to
Washington to serve “the Mother State” Virginia.

Since leaving the Senate for a six year hiatus, Allen has visited
, getting his name out for everyone to know that he still cares
about the “Old Dominion.” In spite of hollow attacks which suggest that Obama
has not exploded the United States’ national debt,
accurately predicted
that the Obama Administration is an executive “hell
bent” on spending this country into oblivion.

Allen’s challenger, Tim Kaine, also served as governor of
Virginia, yet the record for these two former leaders retains a
study in
. Allen pressed for welfare reform in his state, while Kaine was
floating bonds for public education.

Allen’s positions
on Balanced Budgets, foreign policy, and health care trump Tim Kaine’s stance
on these issues, proving that the former head of the Democratic National
Committee will be a rubber-stamp for Washington’s statist status quo liberalism
instead of representing the center-right discipline which defines Virginia
voters. ObamaCare must be repealed. The IRS reported that a conservative
reading of the law will permit to
hold back the federal subsidy
working families if the primary member
qualifies for health coverage from the employer. In a growing number of cases,
employers will only cover the employee, yet the rest of the family will have no
access to the federal subsidy as a result. Hospitals throughout the country are
still struggling with hefty
malpractice lawsuits
a terrible setback for hospitals which still
need tort reform and seek protection from frivolous civil actions. Hospitals
are closing in California,
and New
because of ObamaCare.
also reports that the “Un”-Affordable Care Act will slam
businesses throughout Virginia while jacking up premiums by an average of
$1,000. This law is hazardous to the health of the states and the entire

During his tenure in Virginia Governor’s Mansion, Tim
Kaine's abysmal record
indicates that the state lost 100,000 jobs. The
former governor even attempted to pass
a last-minute
$4 billion tax hike
, which thankfully failed after informed Virginians in
the legislature and throughout the state killed the proposal.  

While in the Senate, George Allen supported the Bush
Tax Cuts,
 Even liberal-leaning “Politifact”
supports Allen’s assertion that the federal budget would still be balanced. Allen
also sponsored legislation to reimburse
victims of terrorist
and to suspend the duties charged on purchasing
. He even authored legislation which would block the imposition of a federal
tax on the Internet
. Mr. Allen wants the individual consumer to keep his
money, reason enough to send him back to the Senate.

Even though Tim Kaine currently leads
Allen by two points
, I believe that the greater knowledge that voters have
about Senator Allen, his voting record on behalf of the voters as well as his
stance on issues which affect the state of Virginia, they will be more inclined
to reelect Senator Allen and bring a conservative voice to Washington, with
experience not just in legislating, but respecting the Constitution, individual
liberty, fiscal discipline, and ensuring that the federal government recognize
its enumerated powers and respects the rights of the states and the people.

To the voters of Virginia, please re-elect George Allen for US
Senate on November 6th.

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