President Barack Obama promised to usher in a transformative
administration of “hope and change”. Instead, both domestically and
internationally, we have endured despair and chaos. His stimulus bill and
deficit spending paid off political allies while instigating stagflation,
complete with flagging recovery and stagnating unemployment.
Despite pledges to
work across the aisle, Obama barraged through Congress two distasteful laws,
Dodd-Frank and ObamaCare, which infiltrate the failing banking and health care
industries with more laws and regulations, creating delays, higher fees, and
less access.
He has alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies. Ignoring
the nuclear-minded fanatical Iranian regime, Obama has stood idly by as radical
Muslims have taken over their countries and now are attacking our embassies. A
chief executive, he refuses to enforce the laws of the land, including the
Defense of Marriage and our immigration laws. Is any more explanation needed to
remove this uncommanding Commander-in-Chief from office?
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