"Did I Say That?"


Mr. Menendez claimed that ObamaCare would save this country $250 million over the first ten years once the law is fully implement, then another $1.2 trillion afterwards.

$250 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the trillon dollar deficits and the multi-trillion dollar national debt which is assaulting the country.

Yet even Politifact.com weighed in and declared this assertion "mostly false"

Of course, Mr. Menendez refuses to talk about the $716 billion raid on Medicare since the law was passed.


In an October 2010 interivew, DNSC Chairman Menendez tried to soften the inevitable shellacking that the President's party would endure that November in an interview with "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour:

Menendez: No, this is not 1994. No. 1, in 1994, the Republican brand, its image was much better than it is today. In every poll, Democrats as a brand fare much better. And, secondly, in 1994, it was a surge at the end. We've known that this midterm election is going to be challenging, and so our candidates for the U.S. Senate have been ready for this and have been creating the contrast in each election between their Republican opponent, who wants to bring us back to the economic policies that brought us into this mess in the first place, and their own policies that are working to get us out of it.

The Democrats lost the two-term majorities which they have cobbled together from 2006 and 2008. In the Senate, the GOP took six seats.

After four years in office, President Obama has led this country deeper in debt, with no end in site to the chronic unemployment eating away


Another source not only points out the falsehood, but establishes that ObamaCare's projected costs will exceed previous projections three times over.



Menendez on the fight for the Middle Class:

"The middle classs is under attack. That's why I led the fight to crack down on credit card companies abusive practices."

Sadly, the law of unintended consequences exploded the perceived benefits of this legislation:

Indeed many banks and credit providers have already raised their rates and fees, cut credit limits for customers and changed the terms of their card from fixed to variable rates in response to the passage of the act and in anticipation of its effective date in February, 2010. While, these actions by the credit card providers have resulted in a negative impact for the consumers it was designed to protect, the overall impression of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 has been favorable. (http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/credit-card-reform-act-of-2009-does-it-help-consumers-133381.php)

"Stop insurance companies from denying coverage for preexisting conditions."

This oblique reference to ObamaCare neglects to mention the massive tax which will hit


Menendez claims to be a transplant from a working class tenement. The record suggests otherwise


MENENDEZ: I don't think — I don't think — I'm not scaring anybody, unless when you use a candidate's own words, they may be scary. When Sharron Angle in Nevada says, "It's not my job as a U.S. senator to try to help create jobs in Nevada; when Ken Buck questions the constitutionality of Social Security and wants to end Medicare; when Ron Johnson in Wisconsin wants to drill in the Great Lakes, those aren't my words. Those are their words.
And when Christine O'Donnell, you know, has positions that are clearly out of the mainstream, which we didn't know about — you know, in her interest in witchcraft, you know, until 30-something days ago — those aren't my words. Those are their words.
So I think that these candidates, the problem for the Republicans is that these candidates are out of the mainstream of where their general electorate is at.

For Menendez to talk about "Extreme" passes all respectful skepticism. The Obama Administration, which Menendez has supported 97% of the time, has pushed this country closer to the brink than any previous administration.

ObamaCare, an immense government encroachent and tax hikes, is one of the most extreme



In this clipo, Menendez talked up the Senate version of the DREAM Act, despite the growing unpopularity with the legislation, which candidate Chris Christie had adressed cogently during his run for governor. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cYTjtrndnA)

Menendez talks up the contribtion of illegal immigrants who came to this country as children, who have known only flag, who have sung one national anthem. He gives the impression of supporting an "E Pluribus Unum" America

Yet portions of his book — "Growing American Roots: Why Our Nation Will Thrive As Our Largest Minority Flourishes,"  suggest a posturing promotion of one community at the expense of the rest of the country:

“By 2050, there will be 130 million Latinos in the United States, a majority under thirty years old. We will be one-third of the U.S. population… we will honor our shared heritage; we will recall our heroes – George Washington and Simon Bolivar; Abraham Lincoln and Jose Marti… There is no turning back.”

Mr. Menendez, like every Senator in the Capitol, is sent to Washington on behalf of every New Jerseyan, not just one community of "We".

Of course, this is not the first time that Menendez has pandered for votes:


During the contentious 2006 race with Tom Kean for the US Senate, Menendcez had endorsed Ed Lamont in the Connecticut race at the same time, one which nearly knocked incumnebt Joe Lieberman out of the race. PolitickerNJ reported that Menendez that he switched his endorsement to Lieberman, peresumably just to shore up Jewish votes.

Mr. Menendez seems to have a bit of a truth problem, whether dealing with the real impact of legislation which he authored or advocated, when characterizing the problems facing this country, when playing up a health insurance mandate with more questions and problems than solutions and answers, or even we drifting from one camp to another to support his election bids.

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