Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was in commanding form during Wednesday’s Presidential debate. He hammered President Obama on the economy, our nation’s foreign policy, and ObamaCare. Despite my diminished expectations, Romney mounted incredible yet credible criticism against the Affordable Care Act, since Obama has claimed from the beginning that his signature legislation was modeled after the Massachusetts model, more derisively termed “RomneyCare”.

After listening to cautious conservative pundits like Peggy Noonan and George Will first fire cant against Romney and now descant on President Obama’s deformed inability to articulate a defense or even muster up credible counterattacks against his challenger, I believe that the GOP presidential candidate has more than made the case to the growing number of conservatives and independents in this country who are still hoping for change, and want something better than Obama, not merely different.

However, I cannot help but recall the promising challenge from New England compatriot and comrade in debate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who declared the following on the Sunday prior to the debate on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” (September 30) :

“I have absolute confidence that, when we get to Thursday morning, George, all you're going to be shaking your head, saying it's a brand-new race with 33 days to go.”

My head is definitely shaking, yet I cannot help thinking that former federal prosecutor and tough-talking Governor Christie helped a lot with primping and prepping Romney. Though not running for President, Christie is certainly helping Romney run forward for the win.
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