Not the Case at All. . .

President Obama is running out of ideas.

He has no record to run on. His own party is running from him, including the moderate and liberal Democrats throughout the Midwest and the Northeast.

The economy is still a mess, after trillions of dollars spent on stimulus payouts, record deficits, and a skyrocketing national debt.

He wanted to reform healthcare. What he has given this country ObamaCare, which was only about carrying Obama into another term with the rest of his supermajority in Congress. His party ended up losing the House and lost a number of seats in the Senate.

In the first debate against Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts exposed how out of sync and out of touch the President has become. Obama could not debate the facts or the law, and he did not even have the strength to pound the table.

Perhaps the Yellow Avian
Should Run for President

Instead, he has pounced on one comment that Romney made about cutting the spending and limiting government. Romney directed his comment to moderator Jim Lehrer, informing him that he would cut the funding to public broadcasting. Big Bird would no longer get a subsidy from the US Government.

A new line of attack ads have played up a mock sinister scenario against Big Bird, claiming that the tall, yellow fowl is the primary causing of our failing government and the foul climate of partisanship and bickering that is eating up Congress and drowning this nation in debt.

Instead of attacking Yellow Big Bird, let's Go after Red Big Government, the onslaught of Leviathan which dictates more of taxpayer money to useless programs, unnecessary wars, and wasteful and inefficient entitlements which are providing nothing to the recipients who paid into them over the past fifty years.

Not Big Bird, Mr. President, but Big Government needs to be cut — and Sesame Street can run free on sponsorship and viewership without help from K Street.

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