"Everyone has their own truth," some people claim, refusing to challenge anyone on anything.

This cannot be true, for if everyone has their own truth, then there can be no truth, for truth by its very definition, by its very nature, does not depend on me, or you, or the opinion of anyone else!

There is one Truth, the Man and the Glory, and through Him we receive the righteousness and the peace and the joy that we so much need in our lives!

Everyone can have the truth, in Christ! Otherwise, all of our learning cannot bring us any closer to the truth!

Truth means nothing without Love.

Love means nothing without Acceptance.

Acceptance means nothing without Freedom.

Freedom means nothing without Security.

Security means nothing without Righeousness.

"But of him are
ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and
sanctification, and redemption:" (1Corinthians 1: 30)

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