The fiscal cliff drama is over. Republican House
Speaker John Boehner offered tax increases on millionaires. President Obama resisted
reforming entitlements. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell initiated
negotiations with the Vice President. Obama bided his time behind Biden.
McConnell repudiated his "one-term President" reputation. The
Republicans engaged. The Democrats did not. The Republicans demonstrated
leadership. Obama returned to avoidance and irresponsibility. ā€œIā€™m President
for four more years,ā€ Obama boasts, yet he refused to lead his country or party.
The House of Representatives did not bow to Progressive pressures without a
fight. Obama overplayed his hand. Republicans refused to play down theirs. The
Senate prolonged its ineffectiveness under Democratic control. Although Washington
averted one fiscal cliff, the chasm of deficits and debt remains. Obama lost
the first round, highlighting his weakened mandate against a determined
challenger, a Congress which demands accountability, not just talking. Obama
cannot downplay his failure of leadership.

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