Life is a revelation, not a destination.

Life is not about the journey. Life is not about getting somewhere, but seeing the “Somewhere” come to you.

Life is not about what you get, but what you receive by grace through faith.

Life is not about how hard you try, but about how willing you are to “take it easy”, and take everything easy with it.

Life is a person – Jesus Christ. Life is not what you make of it, not what you put into it, but what you have received, what you have believed for, what you intend to achieve because of what someone else, or rather “Someone Else” has done for you.

Jesus Christ is life, and that more abundantly.

It’s true what people say. It’s not about what you do, or what you know, but about who you know.

Life is a revelation of the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega.

He is the total sum of all things, because all things are consisted of Him. He is the first and foremost, and He is to have precedence, prominence, and preeminence in all things.
Life is a revelation of a Person, not a destination which we try to reach.
Life is about love. Not your love for others, but God’s love for you. This love is manifested to us in Christ, who died at the Cross, that we may be dead to our fallen selves and receive His new life.

His Love is perfected among us. Our love can never be perfect, since it comes from us, temporal and fallen. His love is perfect, and thus the love is perfected.

What makes this love complete? Jesus did not just die for our sins, but gave us His life, Himself. As Christ is, so are we in this world.
The new identity, the new self, the new life which we receive in Him – this new reality makes all the difference. For too long, this truth has not been shared. God did not send His Son so that bad men would be good. Jesus came so that dead men would live, and reign in life!

When we know who we are in Christ, then we find that we can never be alone, because God has reconciled to Himself the world through His Son.

There is no separation between everyone who believes on Jesus and the rest of the world. It is impossible. One reading through Psalm 139 should allay any fears of separation.

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