The United States Supreme Court has waded into more muddy waters. Justice Antonin Scalia warned about the coming culture clashes which would ensue the moment that the Supreme Court strike down the anti-sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas (2003). Today, SCOTUS has struck down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act, as well as invalidating California's Proposition 8, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, five lawyers in bad, black dresses have gotten wet with telling the voters that they have to recognize a fundamental, and flawed, transformation of the marriage sacrament. With their radical transformation of marriage, the justices inevitable invite people to view homosexuality as acceptable and inherent to man.

First of all, marriage is defined as the union of one man and one woman. Indeed, this is as much a spiritual sentiment as a mental and a physical one. A man and woman, joined in holy matrimony, share much more than their bodies. Some couples are so closely attuned, they can finish each others' sentences before the other begins speaking. This union is deeper than a piece of paper, the opinions of a nation, or the hopes and dreams of broken men and women seeking to justify a perversion which they feel compelled to identify with.

As a rebuttal to equality advocates, marriage is not about equality, either, but about the blessed submission of one man and one woman who become one flesh. The notion that two men or two women can form such a union is nonsensical. Love alone, the strong affections that two people have for each, cannot be the defining element for a marriage, either. Andrew Sullivan, the faux-conservative and gay marriage advocate, established in one article that people seek love and to be loved. How he can define his new life with a partner as love, yet at the same time claim the right to other sexual partners, has no basis in logic, love, or even lust. Besides, nothing can break the sacrament of asunder, not even the myriads of laws and regulations from the state, or protests and parades of the "Gay Lobby".

Regarding homosexuality, the conduct is a perversion, not the greatest sin in the world, no worse than stealing or murder on the basis of viewing all men as dead in their trespasses, yet certainly not a form of conduct which individuals should condone, not societies celebrate.

Homosexuality is a choice and a bad one. The notion that people are "born gay" does not withstand any serious scrutiny. The hundreds of thousands of people who have lived the "gay lifestyle" have shared that the life is not all that gay. Tammy Bruce, the openly lesbian radio host who voted for Ronald Reagan both times, has acknowledged that she chooses to be a lesbian. Time had also covered Vermont's initiative to legalize civil unions for gay couples. I had found it so fascinating that the two women featured in the article had been married before to men, but their marriages failed, and thus they were seeking relational fulfillment in another woman. I have read accounts in which people from dysfunctional families find that they struggle to find lasting relationships with the opposite sex. Thus they conclude that they should "hook" up with the same sex. Point of fact, these individuals need to look deeper, into the lies and the pain of unjust rejection which they suffered from their parents. Any sexual problems will be resolved.

I also remember reading a telling article in Time Magazine (hardly a conservative publication), which featured a woman who had been "married" to another woman and had also adopted a young girl with her. When she left the gay lifestyle and her partner, then she sued for custody of the child, and she won. Other men and women have shared that their parents treated them as children of the opposite sex (a mother who dresses up her son to be a daughter, for example, is practicing heinous abuse against the child)

Numerous health agencies have reported the high incidence of cancer among men and women who live out homosexual conduct. Gay activists in Canada even called out the Canadian Health Service for ignoring the health problems which plagued the LGBT community. The massive drug and alcohol use, the deathly dysfunction associated with the "gay scene" have also been spotlighted in LA Weekly, a very liberal, alternative publication with salacious advertisements in its back pages. Most homosexuals in West Hollywood have admitted a profound dissatisfaction with the gay scene. Others even admitted a profound and oppressive cult of conformity which rivaled the religious sentiments of their childhood.

Homosexuality is a bad choice, gay marriage is an aberration, and the Supreme Court's decision to normalize it is disappointing. Still, as more people find out that the "gay scene
is not so gay, perhaps the reduction of shame and sanction about homosexuality will allow people to acknowledge that such conduct is not conducive to life and peace. Still, the Supreme Court's ruling is misinformed, sending the wrong message about this disturbing cultural devolution.

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