God bless Pastor Ken Hutcherson and his bold preaching!

Finally, black preachers are calling out their black congregations for seeing everything in their lives through then lens of color, instead of the cleansing of Jesus Christ.

For decades, the black community has been deceived, and I believe willingly, to accept that every time a black man is killed by someone who is not black, or every time a black man is accused or convicted of  crime, he is in fact innocent, and just the victim of a world run by white racists.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Furthermore, I am tired of black civic leaders using every crime and circumstance to drum up race-based hatred.

Trayvon Martin was walking at night in a different neighborhood, high on marijuana, according to autopsy reports. George Zimmerman, a Sanford, Florida resident of diverse ancestry, suspected that he was a criminal, or engaged in some dubious activity. The altercation that followed, in which Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, ultimately led to the boy's death.

George Zimmerman pulled the trigger. Yes, he killed the young man. Does that mean that he was profiling the kid, or that he was racially motivated? Not at all.

In fact, from the evidence on the ground, and following the forced prosecution of the man, the testimony and the deliberation all led to a verdict of "Not Guilty."

It's time for black people to stop looking at every tragedy which involves the death of a black man as proof that racism is still prevalent in our society. I loved what one preacher shouted: "stop looking at the world through your black eyes, and start seeing everything through the blood of Jesus."
Not a man's color, nor his character, but the contours of the Finished Work of Christ Jesus make all the difference in this life.

Not just the black community in general, but black churches in particular, have got to stop making race the prime issue, and get back to Christ and Him Crucified as the central tenet of faith, family, and every good and perfect gift.

Thanks again, Pastor Hutcherson, for preaching the truth. Tell everyone, black and white:

 "Stopping putting Jesus in the back of the bus! Stop making race, color, creed, and even religion more important than Jesus, who is all, has all, and has done all for us!"

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