Consider once again the example of Naomi in the Book of Ruth.

She was left with nothing, so she thought.

She was bitter because she had a wrong view of God, that it was His fault that her life was completely desolate.

Yet God was just setting her up for greater reward, with a kinsman-redeemer waiting to take in her daughter-in-law, restore her wealth and fortune, and grant her a name and fame in her hometown.

In a greater fashion, God the Father has provided us a Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who takes us from dead in our trespasses to alive and seated in heavenly places in Christ.

Yet for a long time, I spent too much of my time fighting my bitterness, as if the feelings of frustration would actually stop God's blessings from flowing in my life. The sense of guilt and reproach which overcame me because of these feelings, the sense of shame for having suffered the losses which I had endured seemed too much for me.

In trying to break free of the hurt and the shame, which He has already redeemed me from, I ended up frustrating the grace of God in my life (Galatians 2: 20-21)

We cannot enter into a life which He has already given us!


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