Following the conviction of 
Pvt. Bradely Manning for releasing United States classified information
to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, Random
Lengths News
Publisher James Preston Allen decries the intervention of the state into our private lives. He also
denounces the ongoing war in Iraq and Afghanistan. “One would that after all
these years of war and with our growing sense of insecurity, we all would
object to the ongoing pilfering of our national treasury,” Allen remarks.

I could not agree more.

He commiserates with private (Ha!) NSA Contractor Eric
Snowden, now in political asylum in Russia, for releasing to the public
disturbing information that the United States government has been wire-tapping
foreign and domestic phone calls as well invading Internet data. I doubt Snowden
will feel safe for long, as if anyone can be safe in that country where
citizens are openly punished for thinking for themselves and resisting
government force.

He then faults the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as based on “false
premises”, when the Wikileaks cables confirm that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,
and that Bush administration officials were still seeking them. I imagine that
Syria’s dictator is using those weapons against his own people.

I could not be more vocal in my disagreement and
disappointment with Mr. Allen in ignoring the sources of Big Government getting
bigger in our lives.

While President Bush tarnished the fiscal conservative brand
with wars unending and domestic spending uninterrupted, President Obama has
only done the same, but far more, with worse consequences. President Bush’s
domestic wiretapping infiltrated foreign calls entering the United States.
President Obama has been on everyone’s phone (including libertarian US Senator
Rand Paul who refused to end debate until the Attorney General confirmed that President
Obama would never use drones against American citizens. Holder held up for
eleven hours, only to answer “No!”, but why did the Obama Administration take
so long to answer the question? Under five years of President Obama, the United
States government has run up annual trillion dollar deficits. Obama has
increased the national debt (and the burdens of future American taxpayers) by
50% in five years.

Liberals, progressives, and mouthpieces for the left jumped
up and down about Bush’s spending, the wars, and the invasion of our privacy.
When President Obama commits the same policy blunders, no one criticizes him, including
“progressive” publisher James Preston Allen.

Fair and balanced, are we? Hardly!
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