President Obama was at the 37% approval rating during the height (or the depths?) of the Congressional shut-down show-down.

Now his ratings are hitting epic lows according to WSJ/NBC polls, too, at least according to conservative websites

He has bottomed out, so far, at 41%.


As in, who cares? 41% with all that Obama has done speaks very highly of the President.

Why are the numbers really so high, point of fact?

The fact remains that only three-fifths, or thereabouts, have a negative opinion about this President. However, he has presided, or rather ignored, or remained ignorant of one scandal after another would be dipping into the teens by now.

Then again, George W. Bush coasted at 35%-37% even while Congress was dipping to 13% during the Bush Administration.

And the media leans to the left, no matter what they may say.

Nevertheless, why is it that President Obama's rating remains fairly high considering the massive, unprecedented, and ultimately unacceptable failures of Obamacare. his foreign policy, and a domestic agenda which has created more division, and which is pushing more African-Americans to reconsider their allegiance with a party of the first black President, yet a platform which has trampled on their core values, like traditional marriage, protection of life, and school vouchers?

Could it be that under this President the welfare state has turned into a well of entitlements? Forty-three million people have ended up on food stamps, and even as the economy creeps ever slowly toward recovery, the number of food stamps recipients has increased. Workers dissatisfied with their jobs file disability claims and take paid extended vacations. These numbers are growing, and disabling our country. Social Security recipients are rolling out faster as more American seniors retire. Because of President Obama's ongoing foreign policy forays into Afghanistan, and the continued presence in Iraq, and the interminable American presence in 100 plus countries, the ovderwhelming number of wounded veterans has strained the US Veterans Administration with retiring soldiers still seeking health care. President Obama has even weakened the Clinton-era requirements for individuals to qualify for welfare, as well.

And speaking of health care, Obamacare has turned into a careless behemoth of government incompetence, so grand that the Mainstream Media can neither spin the failures nor look away from the fallout. The Daily Show’s John Stewart frequently mocks the Obamacare rollout-fallout, and late night comedians like Jay Leno and David Letterman get more laughs over careless Obama than they received over care-free (and amoral) Bill Clinton or the flappable George W. Bush.

Medicare gives out three times what members originally paid in, and the IRS still distills tax credits to the few at the expense of the many (when not probing or minimizing conservative and religious groups seeking tax exempt status)

The growing number of citizens who have made the United States “One nation under the dole”, according to Former US Senator John Sununu (R-New Hampshire), will not likely think too little of the President whose administration has made it easier to get free stuff, from other Americans.

Ben Shapiro sharply pointed out the obvious: “This President and his party remain fairly popular because of their mantra: ‘We give you free stuff!’”

And not just individuals, but corporate interests are buoying President Obama's poll numbers.

Big Banks have gotten bigger under this President, and farm subsidies are still paying off Big Agribusiness. There are more federal workers in the national capital and throughout the country, in part because of the trillion dollar stimulus, plus the expansion of the government into healthcare and homeland security. Virginia has tilted blue in the last two elections because of the growth of Washington overreach, and ballooning federal bureaucracies. Maryland has remained blue for decades precisely because the Old Line State is practically an extended suburb of Washington D.C. Florida is going blue because of a rising influx of retirees. More states elected Democratic federal representatives over the last two elections, likely because of the record number of unemployed struggling to get by in the face of crushing taxes and special interests looking for a special handout. Even the head of the Republican Party in Washington State ended up endorsing Democratic incumbent Maria Cantwell because of the gridlock in Washington, which was locking up the subsidies for his apple farms.

As more people see the State as their source, their substance, and even their salvation, no matter how incompetent the leader, the people whom he props up will keep preferring him. In the face of Benghazi, IRS abuses, Fast and Furious, NSA spying, and now the Obama-don’t-care fallout, one would assume that the President would be dipping to the 20% approval mark by now.

Obama may be bombing in the polls according to some sources, but unless our nation has a culture shock which disparages dependence and invigorates independence from the government as in times past, President Obama and the left-leaning, state-sponsoring politicians in our political culture will continue to enjoy a relatively high, or at last passable reputation in the eyes of the press, low-information voters, and everyone else receiving something from someone else through the intervention and expansion of the government

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