I never really realized it until now.

It makes no sense to think that we have anything in this life apart from God.

I mean, He gave us His Son, and in His Son we have life, and that more abundantly.

Eternal Life means that — eternal.

We do not add something to eternity. Anything we want to contribute becomes zero.

The Mathematician Blaise Pascal taught me that.

If you add one to infinity, you get zero, because infinity never stops, and any amount which is finite simply gets swallowed up.

We need to see God's love the same way.

This love is demonstrated to us on the Cross, where God took out all His holy wrath against His Son, and because Jesus' Death was an overpayment, we can know and believe that God is no longer angry with us.

Not only that, but God has placed us in His Son, so that everyone who believes on Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father.

God did not just send His Son to punish our sins, but to give us Life.

He who has the Son has life (1 John 5: 12).

This is eternal life, not something that we have to jump-start or earn through our efforts.

For so long, I used to think that everything depended on me to get anything done.

That's simply not true.

If God gave us His Son, will He not freely give us all things with Him? (Romans 8: 32)

Who are we to believe that any problem we face in our lives is somehow greater than what Jesus  has accomplished for  us at the Cross?

Still, so many of us are looking at our thoughts and feelings, trying to make ourselves think, feel, or do so that God will think of us, feel for us, and do for us.

Such posturing is arrogance, and we fall from grace as a result.

Grace is unmerited favor, we neither earn it or deserve it.

And this grace He gives us every day, and He invites us to keep receiving it from Him

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