Why are supporters of gay marriage resorting to interviews with children?

The interviews posted on Huffington Post offer the reactions of toddlers to adolescents regarding two gay marriage proposals.

Honestly, just because eight kids share a moderate opinion about gay marriage does not endorse the policy with any value.

Children should not be subjected to such questions in the first place.

Sexual topics should be discussed by adolescents with their parents.

Now, even if society has moved to viewing gay marriage as normal, what difference does it make?

Since when does the majority opinion of anyone determine whether something is right or wrong?

The comments on the Huffington Post website were interesting.

More people are not afraid to challenge the left-leaning narrative in media affiliates like the Huffington Post, or the Huff Puff as one reader commented.

The interviewer asked leading questions, especially with a young boy whose eyebrows were turned up slightly at the end.

I cannot believe that any website which considers itself serious journalism would embrace the opinions of a few youths, many of whom have little knowledge about sex or marriage to begin with, then asking them to make up their minds about gay marriage, too.

Let us not forget that young people tend to be easily led, seek above all to be accepted and not rejected. Of course young people are likely to go along with the flow of the communities around them and follow their opinions.

Yet is that the kind of society that we want? A nation full of young people who conform rather than comprehend? Individuals who want to be accepted rather than stand up for something, whether they face criticism or rejection? Where's the freedom in giving into the crowd? What does that have to do with life or having a chance to excel?

The content of the two videos was positive and upbeat, aside from changing the couples from opposite sex to same sex, the two videos depicted lots of people dancing, and one person proposing marriage to another.

Those two videos were not representative in any way of the origins and the consequences of homosexual conduct, either

I wonder how the children would have responded if they had been informed of the higher percentage of disease, dysfunction, and death associated with the conduct?

If someone had explained to these students the long-term consequences to our children, our communities, and our future because of homosexual conduct, or the prior outcomes of permitting such associations, both in ancient times as well as modern days.

Of course, if the interviewers and the hosts who wanted to propose a balanced understanding of homosexuality, they would not have exploited children and their unique yet uniformed reactions to gay marriage proposals in the first place.

Now, what is to be done regarding grace and truth in regards to this matter?

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