For too long, I had expected the job that I chose would grant my fulfillment.

No job can do that.

No person can provide the life which everyone of us needs.

Here is God's greatest prayer for all of us:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." (3 John 2)

God's number One is that all of us prosper, even as our soul prospers.

We prosper as we walk in the Truth. Our souls prosper when we stop lusting for things, and we start rejoicing in Christ, through whom we receive all things.

There is only one place, or rather One Person, where we find "the Truth":

Jesus Christ!

As we see more of Him, as we receive more of His grace and peace by seeing Him in the Word, and we allow the Spirit of God to transform us from glory to glory, then we continue to prosper: body, soul, and spirit.

We can be transformed from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18) as we see more of Jesus, as our understanding of Him grows and grows.

We find our Passion through the Passion which Christ suffered for us, at the Cross, and from the Cross He then sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He ministers on our behalf to the power of an endless life forever.

Our Life cannot be found in a job, or in a career, or in anything else.

We receive all things by grace through faith, or otherwise we spend our lives trying to do as little as possible.

Where's the life in that?

First we receive all that Christ Jesus has paid for through His Passion, then we receive His life, and then the job follows.

We prosper on the inside, and we cannot  help but prosper on the outside!

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