California Governor Jerry Brown has not officially
declared if he is running for reelection, yet. Former state senator and
attorney general Abel Maldonado has announced his decision to drop out of the
CA gubernatorial race. Assemblyman Tim Donnelly is running, with "Deuce
Bigelow" Rob Schneider endorsing his campaign.

In spite of the ground-swell among conservatives for Donnelly, and low
favorability ratings for Governor Brown, San Francisco Chronicle conservative
Debra Saunders asks:

"Who Wants to Lose to Jerry

Really? Such despondency is understandable, I suppose. Saunders recounts that
no Republican holds a statewide office, plus the Democratic Supermajority in
Sacramento. Still, three special elections last year show that Republicans may
have more a shot than Saunders gives them credit.

Hanford Cherry Farmer Andy Vidak swept a
two-to-one Democratic district in the Central Valley.
Independent conservative Paul Leon lost an
assembly race in the Ontario region by a few hundred votes, as did West
Valley/Los Angeles Republican Susan Shelley against liberal progressive
Brad Sherman-surrogate Matt Dababneh in
late November. The last two outcomes listed do register some disappoint, since
the losses were so close for the conservative opposition against the California
Democratic machines at work.

Nevertheless, if the Democrats are outspending against opposition
candidates ten-to-one and barely carry a victory, one has to wonder how
many fires the current liberal regimes will have to put out in 2014 in order
to maintain their majorities in Sacramento and their hold on statewide
power, too.

Covered California is not covering nearly
as many residents as one had hoped.
Gun-rights advocates are shooting mad about
the legislature's gun-control measures, and local activists even contemplated
Colorado-style recall initiatives to
remove the legislators most hostile to the Second Amendment, including
Speaker John Perez. More businesses are fleeing rather than
fighting the regulation-frustration of California's byzantine state
bureaucracy, and the
state's unemployment rate remains
discouragingly high.

Conservatives, Republicans, and the limited government interests (including
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association) in California certainly face an uphill
climb to take back California. As small business, middle-class Americans, and
even larger corporations back their bags and flee for better states, will the
remaining voters continue to believe the falsehood that they prosper under the
Democratic-Dominated statists status quo of public sector lobbying,
environmental hysteria, and a tax-and-spend culture which takes from the makers
and makes more takers?

Well, if Hollywood B-list actor Rob Schneider has
seen the light (as well as the flight), then maybe will find come 2014 that
more voters want Jerry Brown to lose and will elect someone else to remove him
from office.

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