Socialist-liberal NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio
(Source: The office of Public Advocate for the City of New York)

While Governor Andrew Cuomo is backpedaling like a New Yorker in a New York minute from his unkind comments about conservatives, the (far more) progressives mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, has stepped into the controversy, putting both of his feet in his mouth.

I agree with Gov. Cuomo’s remarks. . .I interpret his remarks to say that an extremist attitude that continues the reality of violence in our communities or an extremist attitude that denies the rights of women does not represent the views of the people of New York state.

Before de Blasio promoted himself as Grand Interpreter of the New York Governor, one of Cuomo's aides attempted to spin the governor's outrageous remarks by arguing that Cuomo was talking about conservative politicians running for office.

Once again, Cuomo Himself, in his own words, that is:

Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.
Now, even if Cuomo was merely criticizing conservative politicians running for office in New York, his comments were still demeaning and false. Pro-life Americans, a growing majority, are not extreme for defending the unborn. Men and women who support the Second Amendment are not assault rifle gun buddies. And to characterize anyone who resists gay marriage as "anti-gay" is both false as well as irrelevant. 
Now, considering Bill "Blah Blah" de Blasio, one has to wonder why the Mayor of New York City would blast anyone as extreme, considering that he perfectly fits the picture of an extreme liberal in a city conditioned to moderate governing for the past two decades.

De Blasio wants to ban horse carriages in New York City. Really? Did the horses vote for him, or something? Such a stat would not be surprising, and just might explain his 73% vote for office. Has he considered the harms such a ban would do to local business as well as tourism. The Big Apple is not so much fun to visit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. But before we laugh de Blasio to scorn, he has an alternative: alternative energy look-alikes. A green freak with mean streak runs New York City! Extreme.

The liberal mayor campaigned on stopping stop-and-frisk searches. Liberal, pro-criminal activists have claimed that this procedure, defended by the United States Supreme Court in Terry v. Ohio, has been unfairly and excessively applied to poor and minority residents on New York City. Never mind the fact that the Big Apple has removed the rotten core of criminality which had spoiled the city for decades under previous Democratic administrations. At least de Blasio has appointed pro stop-and-frisk Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

About the unborn, de Blasio as unabashed about his pro-abortion stance. Believing that abortion is an underserved service in New York City, de Blasio has pledged to open more abortion clinics:

De Blasio, who was elected Tuesday with 73 percent of the vote, has promised to partner with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to help them expand their business in the city.
The very idea of abortion as a business is shameful and disconcerting, as well as extreme. For the record, 41% of pregnancies end in elective abortion in New York City. This statistic is alarming, and even New York Times polls suggest that public opinion wants restrictions on the practice. Is de Blasio pro-death? What's the point of universal pre-k if all the potential enrollees are murdered in abortion clinics?

About guns, the newly-elected mayor contends that former Mayor Michael Bloomberg did not pursue gun-control strongly enough. Keep in mind that Bloomberg was not only pushing restrictions in his own city, but supporting pro-gun control state and federal candidates for office. If Bloomberg was not aggressive about gun control, then what does Extreme "Blah Blah" planning? Forced confiscation?

Consider de Blasio's first executive act (failure): In an act of veiled class warfare against NYC One-percenters, de Blasio botched the snow clean up for Manhattan during the polar vortex. While acknowledging his mistake about the snow, de Blasio has not backed away from another snow job on the rich in his city. . .

He wants to hike taxes on $500k + earners in order to combat inequality in the city. Specifically, de Blasio wants universal pre-K for New Yorkers. How many Democrats supporter these tax-hike proposals? Zilch, Nada, Zero. Has Blah-Blah noticed what five years of Obamanomics have done to the country? The inequality gap has widened, and dangerously so, because President Obama's tax-and-spend, regulate-frustrate policies, which have stymied upward mobility for working Americans. What an extreme ideologue, to say the least.

At least De Blasio is honest about his socialist leanings. While "Blah Blah" hammers inequality in New York City, his policies will end up concentrating more wealth in the hands of the few, power insiders at the expense of everyone, and create a less safe, less moral city for NYC residents.
And conservatives are extreme? Blah, Blah, Blah!

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