Drought in CA, Drought in Leadership

"Water is a Right to Life Issue! H2O is an essential element for People, and H2O is needed to grow food, another essential element for human life! Please lobby Congress for WATER in Central Valley CA!" Diane Lenning, Los Angeles, CA.

From the tax-and-spend supermajority in Sacramento, California residents have absorbed one failed policy of bankrupted progressivism after another.

Transgendered students can choose which bathrooms they use in public schools.

Illegal immigrants can drive, even though they are not legal residents. An illegal immigrant can even practice law pro bono, at least from an economic standpoint. How the Supreme Court of California is promoting the public good by allowing an illegal immigrant, Sergio Garcia, to have a law license is just a licentious, pandering, lawless ruling.

What else have the residents of California been force to contend with following the first Sacramento Democratic supermajority in decades?

California Dem Policies
Have Been a Kick in the. . .
For CA Residents

1. A tax increase forced on the voters by Governor Brown, yet approved by a majority of voters by initiative. Such legal maneuvering may have protected Brown and his Democratic colleagues from the demagoguery of "You raised our taxes!", but responsible, fiscally prudent leadership, like reforming collective bargaining rights for public employees, or opening up California territory to fracking and oil drilling, would have provided immediate savings, stronger energy sources, and improved the currently frustrated business-economic climate in the state of California.

Besides, it's very easy for state "leaders" to demand that a minority of "rich" pay higher taxes for "education", even though much of the money has gone towards pensions, benefits, and restoring staff, without doing much to reduce class sizes. School choice would force schools to be efficient with state funding, too, but Sacramento Democrats, a political class distant and disdainful of the general California public, refused to consider the measure.

Besides these poor policies, the legislature voted to protect pets from private sales, and protect bears from hunters. Restrictive gun laws are chasing gun companies, and jobs, out of the state. Charles Schwab has also announced his departure, too.

From Cap and Trade to regulatory burdens unraveling, to welfarism, California is turning into an impoverished nightmare for residents along every strand of the economic scale.

Three issues remain a blight on the political class, although Governor Brown stands by his drive for the first, and pretends that he is dealing with the second.

1.The California Billion Dollar Bullet Drain Boondoggle

2. The Failed, Stalling Prison Realignment


3.The Desperate Central Valley Drought

About the first, Governor Brown has insisted on keeping his political ambition focused on the bullet train.  The bullet train is an inexcusable waste of public spending, which will decimate the Central Valley, and a growing consensus of California voters rejects this terrible project. "I did not vote for this!" is the common refrain from the growing number of critics.

Farmers in the Central Valley are even more alarmed about the water issue, but the bullet train is shooting them, and everyone else, in the foot, too.

Obama has run out of authority — How can help
the Drought of leadership in California?

For the second issue, Brown finagled to get two more years to deal with the prison-overcrowding crisis, after his hopeful reelection, and long after the political class, in the media as well as statewide, will be paying attention to Brown.

Gubernatorial Candidate Tim Donnelly is racing across the state gathering support for his run against Governor Brown, who appears to be in campaign mode, although he has not formally announced his intentions for reelection.

President Obama paid a rare, second-term visit to the Central Valley, pledging federal aid. Congressmen and US Senators are offering legislation to help California.

But where does much of the blame lie for the lack of water in our state? No matter how much people scream about climate change or global warming, the leaders of our state are responsible for ensuring that the aqueducts and water supply are sound and filled to proper capacity. Jerry's father Pat Brown instituted a strong system, yet his son has issued directives which have limited the state's water supply.

We need our representatives to pay attention to the needs of all Californians, not just public sector unions, environmentalists, and socially liberal lobbyists (re: transgender legislation).

Beyond the bullet train boondoggle, and the failing prison realignment, the drought in the Central Valley is symbolic and symptomatic of the drought of leadership and fiscal prudence in California's state leadership. We need a running river of reason and right policies to restore California, water and all.

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