On February 26, 2014, Cox played guest speaker to the
Peninsula Harbor Republicans group at the Los Verdes golf club, where he outlined
his initiative proposal to get the money out of politics and return the power
back to the people.

Political Activist
John Cox
A Cook County, Illinois native, John Cox grew up in
Chicago. “There are Republicans in Cook County”, he assured his audience.
Despite the liberal background of his parents (mother was a Chicago public
school teacher; his step-father was a postal worker), Cox moved to the right,
supporting free markets, free enterprise, and individual liberty. Following his
education and service as an attorney, Cox moved to Florida then California to
further his real estate career. Despite the massive downturn in the national
fortunes, and particularly in California, Cox made his home in sunny
California, finding out  what he was missing
out on.

After sharing about his political activities (he ran against
Obama three times for state office), Cox introduced his new initiative, entitled
the Neighborhood Legislature initiative, which would expand the number of  California’s elected legislators from 80 to
8000 assemblymembers and from 40 to 4000 state senators.

When Cox had first  introduced the plan on the Jon and Ken  Show, they shouted a collective “What?!” After
thirty minutes with the tough-talking conservatives, they endorsed the idea as
one of the greatest they had ever heard.

So, why send more people to Sacramento? Critics may ask.

Actually, the voters will not be sending more lawmakers to
Sacramento, but instead each current state senate and assembly district would
be divided up into one hundred neighborhoods, representing between 3,000-5,000

Instead of grasping for funds from labor unions, interests groups,
and big corporations, individual candidates will only have to reach three
thousand voters. Big money isn’t necessary to win, since candidates will can
knock on doors, sit in living rooms, and talk with voters.

Where did Cox get this idea from? “Live Free or Die” New
Hampshire, where 1.5 million residents send 400 representatives to the legislature
every year. Everyone know everyone else in their separate districts. The people
who run for office include retired professionals and stay-at-home Moms who have
raised their kids and now want to raise the standard of living for their
communities and the state.

Some points worth considering about New Hampshire. The most
swing of swing states and highly influential in Presidential politics, the
state boasts no general sales or income tax. Also, least restrictive gun laws,
and the right to revolution is
in the state constitution
! A libertarian paradise, New Hampshire likely
owes its limited government to the massive army of legislators who keep a check
on power.

So, how would this Neighborhood Legislature work in

Cox explained that in every district with one hundred
neighborhood reps, the elected officials (each receiving a one thousand dollar
stipend) would elect one member to go to Sacramento. Will the lawmakers in the
capital would write laws, they would then pass the bills to every local
legislature in the state, and nothing would pass onto the Governor’s desk
without a majority vote from all 12,000 representatives.

Smaller districts would require local leaders to engage
their voters, know their names, and in turn encourage voters to get involved,
since casting a vote out of a few thousand can be more influential than competing
among millions of voters, and wondering the whole time whether your vote really
counts or not.

Wouldn’t money still influence the process?

Cox referred back to New Hampshire, where big spenders don’t
have a big influence in elections. “Voters look at you funny” if you spend lots
of money. “Why would I vote for someone who sent me a mailer when another candidate
knocked on my door?”

A pattern for real representative Democracy, Cox argued that
the Neighborhood Legislature initiative would be the biggest transfer of power
back to the people since 1776.

Any reform which promotes individual involvement while
diminishing the power of pay-to-play politics can’t be a bad thing. California
definitely could use reforms which frustrate power at the top by expanding it
at the bottom.

For more information on the Neighborhood Legislature initiative,
please visit

Please contact:

John Cox


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