RINO Neel Kashkari for CA Governor?

If anyone meets the definition of RINO, or Republican in Name Only, that would be Neel Kashkari, who "supervised" the 2008 TARP bailout under President George W. Bush, then served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability into the first five months of the Obama Administration.

He played multi-billion dollar big money spender under two Presidents, both of whom should have never pushed through or continued the bailout of bad banks behaving badly with other people's money. In the words of former Congressman and Reagan Administration budget director David Stockman: "The rules of the market were needed during the Housing crisis," countering Bush's folly which argued "We must suspend the rules of the free market in order to save it."

$700 billion dollars and six years later, big banks have only gotten bigger, along with the national debt and the annual deficits. The moral scandal of the federal government borrowing from the future to pay former debts and current retirees as well as mounting entitlement unsustainablilites should enlighten enough outrage in the California voters to displace anyone connected with so naked a spending spree.

Despite California incumbent Governor Jerry Brown's ardent affirmations, the state's balanced budget is anything but, depending on rosy tax revenues which awkwardly assume that the wealthy will get wealthier, or that rich people will move to tax-and-spend California to lose more of their hard-earned wealth to the hard-up spendthrift Sacramento Democratic supermajority.

And Neel Kashkari has the audacity (of hope?) to run his campaign championing a supervisory role in the TARP bailout?

In 2008, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Vista) had harsh words and frustrated reviews of the TARP money, sounding off on the fact that the Democratically-controlled US Congress, with a frantic Republican President, pushed through the enormous bailout, only to see the money spent on something else instead of its intended purpose.

Issa's question to Kashkari: "I want to know whether Congress was lied to or was there a team a along who had an alternate idea on how this money would be spent?"

Followed by a resume of the TARP team's decision not to buy assets, Issa continued:

"You never explained why you didn't by one of those assets."

Despite Kashari's protestations about the need for an abrupt shift in the  dispensing of the TARP bailout money, the American people were still left "holding the bag" for an aggressive expansion of national debt, where major financial firms either dissipated or expanded, and an anemic recovery which has witnesses the roaring of Wall Street, with the waning of Main Street, all while K Street dances on streets of gold, all paid (and still being paid) by We the People.

Kashkari's connection with the cash-n-carry TARP bailout alone should disqualify him from state office. Including his liberal stances on other issuers, pro-choice (as if!), pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control, pro-Common Core (or should one write, ObamaCore?) and pro-Big Government, with an email or two about stopping the billion dollar bullet train boondoggle and making education better (who wouldn't, but how would he?), California voters should shout "No!" to RINO Kash-n-Kari for governor in 2014.

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