Here is the crisis of marriage writ large, and advertised.

Is there no shame?

Not just from exploiting the image of a public figure, but promoting a form of conduct which does not promote the best of anyone.

What gives?

While activists can rage against gay marriage, or call homosexuality a sin (they might want to go further in their Bibles, and discover that sin is a much deeper issue than what you do. . .), no one should ignore the other crises in marriage.

Divorce is high.

Pre-marital sex is common, not just excused, but even celebrated.

Ashley Madison adultery-made-easy promo with Hillary Clinton (Source: Truth Revolt)

And as the picture above depicts, adultery is solicited.

Harder choices? Taken from the former Secretary of State's failed memoir Hard Choices, the billboard prompts a number of questions.

First, is this ad mocking the former First Lady? Or does the CEO of the adultery website really believe that she made noteworthy decisions?

More probing question: Did her husband former President Bill Clinton harm the institution of marriage with his affairs in the White House, followed by his impassion plea that he did nothing improper with "that woman."?

No. Clinton's conduct normalized a little bit more what was becoming commonplace.

Adultery is treated as though there are no consequences to a man or woman stepping out on one's spouse. Now websites advertise quick quickies, too?

The divorce is reaching all-time highs in this country. Mary Matalin called out the high single-mother rate in this country.

Forget worrying about gay marriage, Matalin concluded with a panel of media intellectuals on ABC's This Week. The crisis of broken homes, broken marriages, casual attitudes about sex, dishonor towards the marital covenant between one man and one woman, these issues deserve real attention.

People should protest the undoing and redefining of marriage away from one man and one woman, but for the sanctity of the ceremony to (re)gain its proper status, we have to look at why the casual attitudes toward commitment and honor among wedded couples has fallen away, too. 

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