Governor Jerry Brown (Neon Tommy)

Reporting on a recent meeting between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto
and California Governor Jerry Brown, the LA Times announced:

Jerry Brown: Immigrants, legal or not, ‘welcome in

One has to wonder who would immigrate to a state where 15% of the state senate has been indicted or
convicted of serious felonies. Then again, such levels of corruption compared
with the rampant criminality of the Mexican government
may induce more foreign nationals to enter this country. The cronyism which
defines Mexico’s police, industry, and governance would drive anyone to flee.
Reforms from California and federal interests, coupled with policies like drug
decriminalization, would lessen the gang elements and culture of police bribery
(and for the more integrated, cop killing) which has infected civic life south
of the border.

Still, do illegals want to make it in a state where welfare rolls have
expanded while jobs have receded, where businesses are bent on leaving not
staying, let alone thriving? Despite the claims from the left and the media
about California’s comeback, Brown’s balanced budget was all smoke and mirrors,
with unsustainable pension debt unmoved, now compounded by a stagnant drought, a
wasteful bullet drain, and now an economic drag in the LA area which has created
more poverty than prosperity. And where does Gov. Brown get the bankrupt notion
of rolling out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants, as though his authority
in one state grants him the power to override federal law, as well as national
sovereignty and territorial security?

What’s particularly noteworthy about Brown’s Unwelcome Welcome Mat, in which
he would dispense with the rule of law as well as the respect for all legal
residents, born as well as naturalized, is that his big abrazo to illegal
Mexican immigrants conflicts with his 2010 campaign rhetoric  against Republican gubernatorial
candidate Meg Whitman:

I do support a pathway to legalization as part of a federal comprehensive
reform bill. . .Secure the borders. Get a real, verifiable electronic
identification system, make people compensate for any violations of the law. But
at the end of the day, we have a couple million people in the shadows, and there
has to be some process . . ..we’ve got to find a way.

Ironically, Brown touted the importance of identifying then deporting
illegals who commit crimes. (Hint: That would be all of them, Jerry!)

Still, Brown supported securing the border in 2010. Come 2014, Brown wants to
break down all barriers and welcome all, illegal or not. He also wants to
shorten travel time between California and Mexico. So much for a secure

Jerry Brown in the 1970s (Alan Light)

Even stranger, in the 1970s Gov. Brown was all about secure borders, when
he rebuffed illegal immigration without
hesitation, such as when he refused to allow political refugees from Vietnam to
come to California. Brown even indicated to state officials that the
Federal government wanted to “dump them” and their presence posed a political
problem on account of California’s high unemployment. Sound familiar?

From Refugee Workers in the Indochina Exodus, 1975-1982 by Larry
Clinton Thompson, Brown is on record saying:

We can’t be looking 5,000 miles away and at the same time neglecting
people who live here.

Gov. Moonbeam shined on the Vietnamese with a ‘Go Away” sign, but welcomes
illegal Mexican immigration. Well. . . Why reject Vietnamese refugees? Because
they tend to vote GOP, or does Brown have a problem with Asians, but loves
Latinos, i.e. selective racism?

The amnesty talk from Dems and GOP in DC and Sacramento has made immigration
a bigger problem already, but Brown’s insouciant “Bienvenidos!” makes it

The rule of law is essential for peace and security, why immigrants (legal or
not) come to the United States. To ignore the basis for a free society (safety
and security coupled with legal entry) would undo the very thing that immigrants
seek. Brown’s “Welcome Mat” rhetoric already has unwelcome consequences.

Residents in Murrieta already rebuffed the Obama Administration’s sordid
attempts to dump illegal immigrants in their city. Apparently, they do not share
Brown’s welcome attitude about illegal immigration. Neither do one on six Americans, who consider
illegal immigration the biggest problem this country faces.

What are Californian’s attitudes about this pressing problem, anyway?

Regarding the California DREAM Act, a majority (55%) of voters rejected the measure
in 2011. Aside from the growing costs of granting illegals access to drivers
licenses, a majority of California voters oppose the law, and believe that the
policy will diminish road safety.

59% of Americans want illegal immigrant minors returned to their home
countries as soon as possible, and 80% signal proper border control a high

Brown turning California
into Mexifornia? (Doug Ross @ Journal)

In spite of the national and California views on the issue, Brown is turning
California into a sanctuary state, a Welcome Mat which makes a doormat out of
the United States Constitution and legal citizenship. His brazen hypocrisy on
this issue, from his prior gubernatorial run and previous campaign should,
cannot go unpunished.

Perhaps Brown should give up his mansion and let illegal immigrants stay on
his property and live off his money. He would be morally obligated to do so!

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