This November, Rhode Islanders can change the course of the
Ocean State, or stagnate.

Here is my run-down of whom I would send to Smith Hill and
to Washington.

No Master Lever for me, since I will not be voting a
straight GOP ticket. You’ll understand at the end.


Allan Fung for Governor

No surprise here: this guy just wants to have Fung. .
.seated in the state house. Forget Chafee, forget Raimondo. Bring in the noise,
and bring in the Fung!

Strange enough that a California conservative is dishing on
Rhode Island politics. Stranger still, I am staunchly supporting this
gubernatorial candidate while ignoring the one running in mine. Why? Fung is a
true conservative with a record of private and public service.

He opposes partial-birth abortion, supports the Second
Amendment, in word and deed, with a real record on pension reform. He will not
reward illegal immigrants for breaking the law with a driver’s license. He
opposes the taxpayer-funded bailout for 38 Studios, which was not the voters’
fault to begin with. Unlike other Republicans who succeeded after bitter
primaries, he reached out and received the support for former rival Ken Block.

And he’s not Gina. Need I say more?

US Senator

I would vote for Warwick, RI tech administrator Raymond

Oh, that’s right, some little law prevented his run for US Senate.
Welcome to Rogue’s Island, where corruption has been codified in city
ordinances. McKay should have hit Mayor Avedisian with a lawsuit (or log) and
gotten it over with.

So, who’s running against “the least vulnerable Democratic incumbent”
Jack Reed?

Former Congressional candidate and RI GOP Chairman Mark
Zaccaria, who had no plans to run for anything on June 25 this year. Then came
June 26, the deadline for a US Senate nominee, and following the slow-walking,
stone-walling of state then federal district courts, the RI GOP needed a
last-minute candidate.

Zaccaria stepped up for state, party, and the good of all.

The sudden (yet also seasoned) politician gave me an hour of
his time to discuss his campaign. I asked him about name recognition: “Let’s
just say I have more than you do.” Wow! Good enough for me.

Aware of the financial as well as time limits pressing on
him, Zaccaria hit every conservative point that counted. We need
representatives in Washington who protect tour borders, not their interests.
The ebola crisis has cratered Reed’s self-promotion as “Defender of Rhode
Island”. Zaccaria called him on it, and within twelve hours, Reed revised his
TV commercials. If Zaccaria slams Obamacare, illegal immigration, and ebola, he
can bring down Reed’s chances.
Mark Zaccaria

Zaccaria would
get my vote.

District One: Providence
Cormick Lynch

 This young man took time out
of his financial career to come home and run to represent his people. War
veteran, former firefighter, Lynch knows the issues, and recognizes that
Cicciline has done nothing for his constituents, aside from
taking pictures of their
and posting them around Congress.

District Two: Warwick
Rhue Reis

Rhue Reis.
Can’t say I know enough about him, but as long as he’s a Republican, he’s got
my vote.

Mayor of Providence

And now, who will be the next Prince of Providence?

At first, I was for the good Doctor Daniel Harrop. Yes, he
refused to partner with RI GOP Chairman Mark Smiley. Yes, he supports amnesty.
Yeah, yeah, I also know that he’s a big fan of single-payer health care, a
singularly bad idea. I read up on him, I wrote for him, I interviewed him, and I
was happy with him.

Then he drops $1,000 on the Democratic candidate housing
judge Jorge Elorza. His reason? Help the Democrat get his message out.

Enough already. This man needs a psychiatrist, or needs to
decide not to be a Republican anymore. Talking with other conservatives in the state,
I was warned about this guy. He was kind of weird, some of them told me. “He’s behind
the ‘Impeach Smiley’ campaign”, another reported. “He doesn’t respect the party,”
a third person told me.

Having put aside all the backdoor gossip, I see Dr. Dan as
DOA, uncommitted and untrustworthy.

So, who am I left with?

Democrat Jorge Elorza? Let me guess: he will be the
culmination of neglect and irresponsibility which defined the Cicciline and
Taveras administrations. The last thing a crumbling city needs is more of the
same. Elorza? Haven’t the residents of Rhode Island had enough of
in bad dresses
? (Bevilaqua?

And yet the other choice, if not the Democrat or the
Republican is exactly that — more of the same: Vincent “Buddy” Cianci.
Buddy it is!

A two-time felon wants a third administration. Why not dig
up and resurrect Roger Williams? Or Anne Hutchinson? Maybe Raymond Patriarca?
At least he was in charge, even while stealing from everyone else.

Buddy it is. The former mayor revitalized Providence. The
streets were whole (instead of full of holes). If the pension problems are his
fault, then he has to fix it, or the city defaults under his watch. Poetic
justice, I say.

There it is, Rhode Island. Vote GOP (and Buddy) November 4th!

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