Dear Arthur,

ACTION ALERT – Extremists want to abolish ICE!! No Way! Tell Congress to support the brave officers of ICE.

Just when you thought the immigration anarchists couldn’t get any crazier, they took the next step. Now extremists are calling for abolishing ICE, in essence abolishing our borders and abolishing our country. 

Tell your Representative to support ICE!

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) introduced legislation to eliminate ICE, and the bill has gained eight co-sponsors. The House leadership considered having a floor vote to call the bluff of the bill’s supporters, but after public outrage, even the sponsors said they might not support their bill.

Now Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) has introduced H Res 990, “Supporting the officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” The resolution states that abolishing ICE:

  • would mean open borders because it would eliminate the agency responsible for removing people who enter or remain in our country illegally;
  • would insult these heroic law enforcement officers who make sacrifices every day to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect our safety and security.

Criminal aliens arrested by ICE last year were responsible for more than 5,000 sexual assault offenses and 1,800 homicide offenses.

Ask your Representative to honor our ICE officers, their sacrifices, and our nation by supporting H Res 990.


Tell your Member of Congress to support ICE and support H Res 990. Take Action Here!

Thank you for teaming up with CAPS on dangerous sanctuary policy.  We can’t do it without you!


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