Dr. Ben Carson

World-renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson commands a great
deal of respect, and deservedly so.

Reared in abject poverty in the Detroit ghettoes, Carson
learned how to live and thrive from his mother, including a work ethic, a
reverence for Biblical authority and principle, and a can-do attitude which rejected
blaming white prejudice for anyone’s lot in life, or societal problems.

Reading books and writing reports assigned by his mother (herself
illiterate), Carson excelled in his studies, then his profession as a doctor,
and wrote a number of books on faith and family.

His breakout moment on the conservative scene occurred at
the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast.
If that event did not crystal how far
this country has come in race relations, then I have no idea what will.

Just to recap: a white US Senator from Deep South Alabama,
one of the reddest and whitest of states in the Union, introduced an
African-American neurosurgeon, the top of his field, internationally recognized.
The white politician sat down and listened to the black doctor. This
professional was standing at a dais addressing a national venue in Washington
DC, the same federal seat where blacks were frequently auctioned and sold to
the highest bidder up to the American Civil War.
Dr. Ben Carson at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast

To  Carson’s right,
the first African-American president also sat and listened, right next to the Southern
US Senator. This articulate neurosurgeon spoke out against political
correctness and the harsh and dysfunctional, partisan gridlock in this nation’s
capital. This scene is a far cry from 1857 Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger
Taney’s offensive, illiberal pronouncement in Dred Scott v. Sanford: “Negroes are a subordinate class of human
beings with no rights a white man is bound to respect.”

This black man criticized President Obama’s policies at
length in that prayer breakfast. While presidential staff demanded an apology
afterwards, Americans across the country praised the good neurosurgeon. From
the outset, many agreed with his conservative, Biblical views, particularly on
the tithe as the fairest tax structure. Everyone pays the same rate, regardless
of their wealth or status, and thus preempts the federal government from taxing
one group to spend on another.

Regardless of his professional background or political
views, however, I never jumped on the “Run, Carson, Run!” bandwagon. A little
perspective explains why I believed, and why more people should accept, that
Carson is not presidential material.

The year 2013 was a banner year of conservative angst and
frustration, made worse by pandering GOP Senators pushing immigration “reform”,
coupled with scandals cascading out of the White House, from Fast and Furious
to IRS’ targeting conservative groups, and the officious secret waiting list in
Veterans Administration hospitals all over the country. Conservatives were
hungry for new leadership, and ready for anyone to replace the current Occupant
in Chief in the White House.

Here came Dr. Ben Carson, speaking his mind, as well as
healing minds, and people loved him. He appeared on talk shows all over the
country, gave speeches at CPAC, and even wrote another book. When it comes down
to policy as well as experience, there may not be a meeting of the minds
between primary voters and the candidate.

In his
latest exclusive interview on Fox News
, Carson related his stellar personal
history then meteoric celebrity from poor kid to skilled physician. Fox anchor
Christ Wallace then reiterated the chief asset and criticism against Dr. Ben about
a presidential bid: no prior political or government experience.

Carson waved that affront, citing work in private
enterprise, scholarships, non-profits, and other charities. To his credit,
Presidential candidate Carson also announced this country’s need to rethink
judicial review, which has permitted unelected judges to overrule sweeping
cultural precedent, regardless of its harmful implications.

However, beyond inflammatory, his uninformed rhetoric should
raise concerns about his viability.
previous appearances on Fox News
have demonstrated his hesitance to state
clear differences with other minority activists, as well as a misunderstanding
of the Constitution’s basic political framework.

apparently supported
an inner city assault weapons ban, then retracted the statement,
affirming his support for the Second Amendment. As a medical professional,
statistics must bear on his strategy for fighting violence, and gun control
does not lead to crime control.
From Barbwire.com

Carson has twice (rightly) criticized gay marriage and
homosexual conduct, and yet twice bowed to pressure and apologized.
pondered out loud:  how badly
did Carson cave to the militant homosexual lobby when he apologized for his
remarks about prison behavior and its implications regarding the etiology of
homosexual behavior? His sudden “I’m sorry” suggests he is either unprepared for
or unwilling to fight leftist onslaughts.

Before his latest Fox News interview, Carson
endorsed raising the federal minimum wage
, stating that public assistance
in many states usually paid more. He supports cutting subsidies to oil companies,
only to 
them to ethanol plants
. This confusion on fiscal issues hurts his chances. Ironically,
Carson’s policy incoherence results precisely from his inexperience. This
country needs tried and tested leadership, not on-the-job training. With all
due respect to his inspiring life, career, and humanitarian accomplishments,
Dr. Ben is not presidential material.
Dr. Ben for President?
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