The New Media brings to light the stories liberals try to hide (liberal failings, conservative successes). More importantly, a new, more (little D) democratic press gives power to individuals, no longer forced to take in the narratives carved out by elitist intellects.

The bias in the media is palpable and undeniable, now that we see how the press protects rather than exposes President Obama. When the revelation of secret waitlists at national Veterans Administrations emerged, Obama pretty much rode out the discontent on the matter, and the issue subsided.

How many more of our men and women have to die stateside because the Chief Executive and Staff have done very little to ensure quality care for our veterans?

The Mainstream has turned into the Vain-Scream, and more researchers, along with conservative-alternative reporters, are discovering a host of disconcerting problems.

I listened to one report, in which Bill Whittle from Truth Revolt revealed that Walter Cronkite was  a liberal who disdained the conservative worldview. No one can seriously believe that this man suppressed his political bias.

No one should. In fact, Bernard Goldberg wrote an extensive article discussing this very palpable problem:


In California, Breitbart expanded its reporting operations to focus on California.

Yet from its inception and introduction to the public, there was the brief shock and awe, with controversy swirling some of the provocative street advertisements.

Then a fizzle. Very few people seem interested in reading the pages, and very few of the Breitbart California posts get more than 100 comments.

Another report had suggested that Jon Fleischman's "Flash Report" gets little attention:

Yet such flashy impact is rare. Though he boasts of his addicted readers, FlashReport gets so little traffic that analytics tracker comScore does not even track its numbers. And in the big picture, there’s a gulf between Fleischman and the rest of his party, nationally. The most GOP presidential candidates usually do for their California compatriots is sink just enough money into the state to force Dems like Al Gore into having to spend in a blue state.

What is going on? Why is the conservative New Media failing in California?

Specifically, though, I want to comment on what I believe that Brietbart CA is doing right, then write about what is going wrong:

Breitbart CA Logo

Good points — investigative and revelatory journalism:

1. US Senator Barbara Boxer was going to retire. I did not know about this until Breitbart had reported on it. no one else reported on this so soon

2.  In Election 2014, Congressman Jim Costa was vulnerable in CD-16 in the Fresno area — Breitbart CA was the only one to make the case for that.

3. Fleischman has commented at length on the potential devastating effects of Supreme Court striking Down Arizona (and by extension CA's) citizen draw legislative districts. Only now have the other newspapers in the state of California considered the fallout of this decision. One source even suggested that the massive forced redrawing of Congressional districts could help Republicans in California.

4. Because I live in Torrance, I do not have instant access to other local newspapers in California, aside from The Daily Breeze. Breitbart CA reported on The Santa Barbara News-Press vandalized and picketed because they wrote the truth: "Illegal aliens".

5. The site promoted the student and parent uprising against Common Core in Palos Verdes. No one in the local press, whether The Daily Breeze or The Los Angeles Times is talking about this, but they should be.

That kind of journalism gets people reading. I could not believe that local Santa Barbara liberal activists, including one of the city councilmembers, would try to shame or force the paper to not report the news, to state the facts as they are.

I also read a great fantasy/future scenario about the CA GOP resurgence for the governor's seat in 2018:

"How the West Was Won: Looking Back on California's Republican Victory"

This kind of strategic optimism is also engaging.

Bad points

1. My first criticism connects with Pinkerton's article cited above. The column is too long. Way too long. The interface of the page makes it very difficult to engage with the piece. It should have been cut down to size or presented in three installments of one thousand words each. There is no way anyone could sit through that entire article and digest all its contents.

No way. Also, the set-up and editing of the piece looks bungled toward the end. The paragraphs are note even separated..

2. Breitbart CA is turning into a right-wing aggregator – nothing new. I commented on this problem with a close friend of mine. Much of the information is generic, taking posts from other parts of the Breitbart site. There is not enough of the revelatory journalism, hyperlinked above.

David Hadley

3. The website needs to report on positive developments. I did not read anything in Breitbart CA talking about David Hadley or Catharine Baker's win in their respective assembly districts. What gives? No one  is talking about the growing number of Republicans taking over city council and school board seats, either.

Catharine Baker

4. Some of the articles are boutique to the point of irrelevant — I read something about endangered peacocks in Palos Verdes. Really?

They need to report on the chance of a pick up in CD-46, Loretta Sanchez seat. I already pitched the idea to Jon Fleishman.

I found out about this wacky Democrat running for US Senate here in California: Marcus Hardie

Marcus Hardie reported on this weirdo, yet no one else wrote anything. Why? Democrats have their own, distressing array of corrupt and crazy politicians. The media culture throughout the state loves to point out the creepy or divisive elements within the GOP. Why not do the same to the Democrats, and more of it?

They NEED to report on the nuttiness coming out of Dems mouths on Conan Nolan's NBC Four News Conference. I was all over the show a few weeks ago, and some of the Republicans legislators also appear on the program making the case for important fiscal and moral policies.

Apart from NBC Four on Sunday morning, very few Californians, even the conservatives, have any idea what is going on in the state. For the record, I still read the Sacramento Bee to get news about

There is a lot of stuff going in California, and there are a lot of grassroots players who can reach our and get the attention of other readers.

Above all, the site has to provide more up-to-the-minute investigative news, and make it prominent.

Concluding Remarks

Breitbart California, along with Breitbart Texas and Breitbart London, advanced the new media journalism exposing corruption and highlight traditional values and their movement throughout the world. The California standard, however, needs to provide more up-to-date, exclusive information, not just commentary, not just ranting, and above all needs to endorse the fact that Republican, conservative values can and are winning — even in deep-blue California.

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