Just Say No to Democrats
I have nothing against vetting prospective Republican
candidates running for President in 2016.

Still, I find myself agreeing more with the sentiments of those
commentators who say: “
more the merrier
”. Nor do I believe that the Republican Party Presidential
not turned into a clown car
. Granted, I have publicly endorsed Scott
Walker, already a compelling front runner without announcing his candidacy. He can
ride a hog and tie up the pork in Wisconsin without blinking, who defeated
public sector unions, expanded school choice, cut taxes, enacted Voter ID,
passed right-to-work, and is boning on foreign policy. Yet Walker aside, I
could vote for Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul without hesitating. Even Marco
Rubio would be a vast improvement over anything that this country has endured
for eight years.

The fact that there are so many qualified (in the true sense
of the word) Republicans running for President commands a great deal of
respect. Where Washington has failed, the states’ Republican governors have
succeeded, and remind the nation what the Framers always knew – power belongs
to the states and the people.

What a wonderful turn from 2012, where the strongest
contender (Romney) was a weak front runner, all the way to April. Even I begged
for a brokered convention, so that Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels could take
the reins of the party and challenge Obama. Oh well. We got Romney,
Romney-care, and five million Republicans who didn’t vote.

This time, I am not saddened at the wide, deep, and
impressive bench facing the Republican primary voters in 2016. Even though I
faulted Christie
, Carson,
even they boast considerable bonafides compared to their Democratic
counterparts and predecessors.

And speaking of the Democratic Party, consider the array of
clowns, losers, and misfits running or ruining) the Democratic Party

All old and white, bereft of ideas and wit, they have
legacies of folly and failure. If you want a clown car, look no further than
the Water Boys of politics, the Dems running under the shadow of Obama, his
foreign morass, and his domestic agenda, completely in tatters, and teetering
on collapse as life-long Democrats bolt to the GOP.

Instead of picking on why
certain Republicans are running
, a better to question to ask:

Why are any Democrats running at all?

"Weekend at Bernie" Sanders


Let’s start with “Weekend
at Berrnie” Sanders
. An old codger from Vermont, an Independent in Name
Only, a self-avowed socialist
wrote about illicit fantasies
, he
“Let others live within your means”, all
while owning property himself
. No one better represents the old, desiccated
socialism of the 1970s than Bernie Sanders. Yes, young people love him, the
same way the love their grandpas or weird uncle, only to take his money away
when he dies, or falls asleep. With Bernie, can anyone ever tell the difference?

Martin O'Malley


Then there’s Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. He entered the
race within weeks of the Old Line State’s bruising racial flare-ups. Baltimore
went up in flames, in large part from decades of liberal, Democratic policies,
brought to a head by O’Malley, who turned Maryland into a progressive dystopia,
neutral bathrooms
, to
for illegal
and gun-grabbing
. As for the Obamacare state exchange, Maryland’s was
one of the first to fail
. This man taxed the rain – no joke! So unpopular
was O’Malley (and his bevy of levies), that voters Democratic, Independent,
black and white, turned on his appointed successor Anthony Brown. Today,
Larry Hogan holds
the Governor’s mansion in Annapolis cutting taxes,
beefing up the budget, and now reaching out to black voters. Heck of a Job,
there, Marty!

Lincoln Chafee


Wow, this guy is a gaffe a minute. “Governor
” to Ocean State residents, Rhode Islanders despised him so much, he
had a whopping 27% approval rating before declining to run for reelection. An
inconsistent political chameleon, he was appointed to the US Senate after his
father’s untimely death in 1999, then won election . . .as a Republican, in his
own right (even though he was one of the most left-wing members of the Senate).
After one term, in which he voted against his party more than Hillary Clinton
(wow, but more on Hillary in a minute), Chafee lost in 2006. Switching to
liberal Independent in 2007, he won as Rhode Island governor with 33.3% + 1 of
the vote. Not a commensurate mandate by any stretch.

Presiding over economic malaise in the midst of food-stamp
, gun-grabbing failures, attacks on the state
Christmas Tree
,  and a spate
of corrupt politicians going to jail
, Chafee identified the following as
his political legacies: gay marriage (which never brought in the economic boom
he claimed it would), rescinding E-verify (money for illegals, but no one else),
and the Obamacare state exchange (
even Rhode Island
Democrats are trying to get rid of).

He also wanted to legalize
marijuana to fix the state’s stumbling, crumbling infrastructure: “
Pot for potholes”. To echo
the hilarious refrain of Rhode Island’s conservative news program “Common Sense”:
“Are you kidding me?!”

Hillary Clinton (Truth Revolt)


Then there’s Hillary Clinton. From Benghazi to “Clinton Cash”, from the husband’s “I
did not do that to that woman” to her own “
difference does it make
?” Clinton is crashing rather than cashing in on her
political dynasty.
Democrats want
someone more progressive (or regressive), she refuses to
answer questions, and she cannot operate two email accounts – or is it that she
cannot tell the truth, even when it doesn’t hurt her?

From the creepy uncles to the dysfunctional cousins, to the
Democratic Madam who does not seem to give a damn, calling the Democratic slate
of Presidential contenders “a clown of candidates” is too kind. Perhaps a
broken family, a coven of criminals. How about the best title: Unelectable?

Republicans should not rip each up over “Why so many?” prospective
GOP standard-bearer in 2016.  Let’s laugh
at the Democrats’ diminished denizens, and ask: “Why do they even bother?”
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