Boston, Massachusetts urologist Dr. Paul Church of Beth Israel Medical Center has been expelled from his medial position in the facility because of his refusal to comply with “Gay Pride” events sponsored at the hospital, along with his decision to decline support for “gay rights” causes on account of the health risks associated with homosexual conduct.
Mass Resistance, a pro-family advocacy group based in the Bay State, sent out the latest eblast:
On March 30, a major Harvard-affiliated hospital in Boston, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), expelled a well-respected urologist from its medical staff because he voiced concerns about the unhealthy nature of homosexual behavior and objected to the hospital’s aggressive promotion of “gay pride” activities.
The medical physician betrayed no sentiment of homophobia, bigotry, or prejudice, according to Mass Resistance leader Brian Camenker.
MassResistance  then offered the following extended commentary on Dr. Church’s activists and comments on the matter:
Over a decade ago, Dr. Church became concerned about the hospital’s aggressive promotion of and involvement in LGBT activities — including Boston’s annual “Gay Pride Week” – and its emphatic push for staff participation in them. He felt compelled to speak out.
Through emails to hospital officials and later posting on the hospital’s Intranet system, Dr. Church cited irrefutable medical evidence that high-risk sexual practices common to the LGBT community lead to (among other things) a higher incidence of HIV/AIDS, STD's, hepatitis, parasitic infections, anal cancers, and psychiatric disorders.
Churches, charities, and small businesses have submitted to heavy attacks from gay rights advocates. Entire states have even backed away from legislation which would protect the conscience and religious liberties of individuals and the above mentioned organizations.
Now, hospitals are engaging in homosexual advocacy, even if their promotion pushes against established science and research confirming the dangers of same-sex conduct.
Promoting such behavior, he said, is contrary to the higher mission of the healthcare facility to protect the public welfare and encourage healthy lifestyles.  Dr. Church also reminded the administration that its staff and employees represent a diversity of moral and religious views, and many believe that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral.
Dr. Paul Church
MassResistance provides an extended time-line of Dr. Church’s communications with staff and administrators on his concerns and refusal to participate in pro-homosexual activities at Beth Israel Hospital. The timeline includes his comments about the health risks associated with the conduct, and that the hospital should not promote behavior contrary to the better health and wellness of individual patients.
In one email, administrators forced the doctor to write an apology for his comments about the health risks associated with homosexual conduct:
In the spring of 2009, Dr. Church again responded to an email inviting him to participate in “Gay Pride” week. The email was sent from hospital president Paul Levy and two employee LGBT organizers. Dr. Church replied to all three in his response. He referenced the medical issues and the inappropriateness of the hospital being involved with this activity. 
Dr. Church was called before his department head and told that including the two activists in his reply constituted harassment, misconduct, and violations of hospital policies regarding the use of the “electronic information system.”  Threats of disciplinary action were leveled against him. He was ordered to write a letter of apology to the two LGBT organizers, which he did – though in the form of a clarification that his position was about policy and not personally against them.
What’s particularly unique about this exchange was that the doctor had to relent because two activists complained about his comments. Not two other physicians, or two other patients.
Dr. Church has been removed from the hospital, but has filed an appeal, citing unjust termination.
MassResistance ended the timeline with the following comment:
It may well come down to an outpouring of public opinion. This is outrageous. A respected physician – particularly one on the staff of Harvard Medical School and a major hospital – should not have his career essentially ended because he’s simply telling the truth.
For further information, please visit MassResistance or contact Brian Camenker at
To voice your concerns or outrage, please contact Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC):

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Main Switchboard: 617-667-7000
Directions by Phone: 617-667-3000

Further Inquiries:

BIDMC Contact: Jerry Berger
Phone: 617-667-7308

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