Congressman Brad Sherman (D-West Valley) has adopted
the argument that President Obama can ignore Congress on the nuclear deal he
has worked out with Iran, just as Obama has bypassed Congress on immigration
and gun policies.

Sherman questioned Secretary of State John Kerry
regarding the upcoming deal. Before Kerry’s unclear responses to Obama’s
potential non-compliance with Congress, Sherman informed the
Secretary of State
that certain laws will come into effect following the Congressional
override to the President’s veto.

Sherman, a Democrat who serves on the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, grilled
Sec. of State John Kerry
Tuesday over whether the administration would
follow the law if Congress votes against the administration’s deal with Iran
and overrides the president’s veto.

“So, you’re not committed to following the law
if you think it’s a bad law?” Sherman asked.

"No,” Kerry said. “I said I’m not going to deal
with a hypothetical, that’s all.”

 Sherman later told reporters Wednesday that
there were different options on the table that Obama could seriously consider
if the Congress overrode his veto.

shared growing concerns about Obama’s executive insouciance in the administration’s
dealings with Iran conflict. Yet for the past three years, he has supported Obama’s
executive amnesty actions on immigration.
Congressman Brad Sherman (

In 2012, Sherman argued for permitting twelve
million illegal aliens to receive documents in order to unionize and seek better
pay, and supported the President’s DACA executive action. The
Daily Caller reported
on Sherman’s comments:

“We need a regular process by which the 12
million people who are part of our society can be fully part of our society,
and they need documents,” the congressman said. “It’s important for the labor
market of this country because as long as there are 12 million people without
documents, there are 12 million people who can’t stand up for their rights as
workers, and that means there are 12 million people who can be used by
unscrupulous employers to keep down wages and to prevent unions from

Sherman was joined at the press conference by
Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and Rep. Lloyd Doggett. Each member
thanked President Obama for his executive order to stop the deportation of
certain illegal immigrants, but they said it was only the first step in a
process Congress needs to finish.

offered these comments possibly to bolster his chances in a contentious
reelection fight that year. He courted further controversy during this heated
intra-party general election clash with thirty-year senior Congressman Howard
Berman. Their political contention got physical during a Pierce College debate,
when Sherman grabbed Berman and shouted: “You
wanna get into this?
!” A sheriff jumped onto the stage to help calm down the

What prompted the physical altercation specifically?
Which of the two had first advanced and supporters legislation for in-state
college tuition for illegal aliens.

After winning in 2012, Sherman would face increased pressure
from constituents over Congressional inaction on immigration
enforcement, too
. Despite these policy concerns and controversies, Sherman
won reelection in 2014 by thirty points.
The West Valley Democrat then voted against the Preventing
Executive Overreach on Immigration Act of 2014

Sherman’s frustrations about the Obama-Kerry-Iran bring
to mind the ominous warnings of
Congressman Trey Gowdy
(R-South Carolina):

The rule of law is the greatest equalizing, unifying
force we have in our culture. And when you play political games with it, you
may benefit today, tomorrow you will beg to have the law enforced, so just be
careful what you do with it today. Be careful what you do with the law today. If
you weaken it today you weaken it forever.”

of those begging now includes Congressman Brad Sherman.
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