In addition to describing California state senator Ricardo
Lara’s bill to provide taxpayer subsidized insurance to illegal aliens
, The Los Angeles Times reported on
California Governor Brown’s continuing push to naturalize the same group,
whether minors or adults, in spite of existing federal law and the moral
mandates of a secure border.
Continuing his push for change on immigration issues, Gov.
Jerry Brown signed a trio of measures Monday, including one removing the word
"alien" from California’s labor code because it is seen as a
derogatory description of those not born in the U.S. or who are not fully
naturalized citizens.
For the record, illegal immigration
opponents use “alien” rather than “immigrant” as the second term implies legal
status. During
a raucous town hall meeting in 2014
, residents of Murrieta, California
fired back at law enforcement for relocating hordes of illegal aliens to their
towns following the unprecedented crowding around the Southern border last
The Los Angeles Times
State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) wrote the bill
eliminating the word “alien,” saying the measure is necessary to modernize the
labor code.
“Alien is now commonly considered a derogatory term for a
foreign-born person and has very negative connotations,” Mendoza said. “The
word 'alien,' and any law prescribing an order for the issuance of employment
to 'aliens,' have no place in the laws of our state and more importantly,
should never be the basis for any employment hiring.”
Political correctness is running (or
ruining) the legal codes in the state of California. In the past, “alien” was
not considered derogatory as long as the individuals resided in the country
legally. Hispanic-American
(and Republican) Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico
uncovered information
that her grandparents were listed as “aliens”, yet were legal residents in the
United States. Major newspapers in the state of California will not print “illegal
alien”. One newspaper which bucked that PC trend, the
Santa Barbara News-Press printed
illegal aliens stood in line Friday at California Department of Motor Vehicles
offices across the state to apply for driver's licenses.” Amnesty advocates
protested the newspaper’s headquarters and vandalized the property.
Furthermore, Sen. Mendoza may be
seeking to replace US Senate candidate Loretta Sanchez in the 46th Congressional
seat, located in more conservative Orange County, far outside his LA area
constituency. This legislative nicety to remove “alien” is very likely a
political gesture to seeking more votes from the heavily Hispanic Santa Ana
region of the district.
The next passage explicitly reveals
the political and legal implications of this change:
The new measure amends a law enacted in 1937 that said
“aliens” should be hired on public works contracts only after citizens of the
United States. Part of that law creating an order of hiring was repealed in
1970, but the term “alien” remains in the labor code.
“When words lose their meaning,
people lose their liberty”  — Confucius
Brown also approved a new law allowing high school students
who are legal permanent residents to serve as poll workers in California
elections to help with the growing language issue of a more diverse voting

Governor Brown has presided over a
state where illegal aliens can drive, and one has already obtained a license to
practice law, although
still residing illegally in the state
. State Senator Kevin De Leon (D-Los
Angeles) has angled to expand the voter franchise to illegal resident, too.
This “reform” is one more step toward that goal. Now, children with legal
status (though not yet fully naturalized citizens) can assist non-English speaking
voters at polling stations. These trends may alarm voting rights and ballot
integrity watchdogs in the state of California.
And he signed a bill barring the consideration of a child's
immigration status in civil actions involving liability. That measure, AB 560
by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles), is in response to a lawsuit by
more than 80 elementary school children against the Los Angeles Unified School
District over alleged sexual misconduct by a former teacher at Miramonte
Elementary School.
Children cannot file a lawsuit.
Their parents or advocates on their behalf did that. Moreover, discussion
surrounding the children and their parents’ questionable legal status may
explain why none of them went forward about the abusive teacher in that
 “An undocumented
child deserves the same protections as any other child in our state,” Gomez
said. “My bill closes an unintended loophole in existing law to ensure fairness
for all minors and the prevention of devaluing any child, when they are the
victims of crime, regardless of their immigration status.”
“Undocumented child” – the politicized
exploitation of illegal alien youth by the California Democratic political
class continues, unabated.
Final Reflection
California’s state legislature
continues shifting the debate on immigration, pushing piece-meal amnesty
measures, in spite of heated and growing opposition in the state and around the
country to illegal immigration unchecked and amnesty proponents in Washington
DC, Even local communities are ignoring federal immigration laws, including
Huntington Park, CA’s
decision to appoint illegal aliens to city
Governor Brown’s latest signings
stand out in stark contrast to his earlier stance, when he refused
refugee status to Vietnamese fleeing
the Ho Chi Minh communist regime in
the mid-1970s. Brown’s legal maneuvers may galvanize illegal immigration
opponents further in their fight to retake local and state political power.

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