Karin Macias, Mayor of Huntington Park?

New reports indicate given to this writer argue that Mayor Karina Macias of Huntington Park is not a legal resident of the ciyt — although she does live in the country legally.

Linda Caraballo announced to the city council and audience August 17th that Macias did not live in HP.

From my report initial report on Townhall.com:

Linda Caraballo rolled out allegations against the councilmembers, including statements (and she provided me the evidence) that Mayor Macias does not live in Huntington Park, but Walnut Park: “I drove you home. I know where you live,” she chastised. Then she outlined the pay-for-play “political nepotism” eating up the council’s diminished integrity.

Other reports from residents in the city suggest that Macias lives in Walnut Park.

The previous city clerk, Rosanna Ramirez, sent a letter to Macias on December 13 2012, stating that she was ineligible to run for mayor:

"Dear Ms. Macias:

This office has reviewed the nomination papers you submitted to become a candidate to Huntington Park City Council. As you are aware, to become a candidate for public office in Huntington Park, you must be a registered voter. . . 

In the course of verifying your eligibility to be a candidate for office in the City of Huntington Park, your voter registration was reviewed by the Los Angeles County Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office reported that your current voter registration address is located outside the City boundaries in an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. As such, you are not an eligible voter within the City at this time and cannot qualify to be a Candidate for the City Council.

Huntington Park resident Betty Retama has lived in the city for the greater part of her life, and she remembered  City Clerk Ramirez serving in the city for over forty years. She was then terminated for no apparent reason.

Macias did not answer phone calls. No responses have returned from the city clerk's office regarding Macias' current residential address.

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