Korrupt Kammy

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is trolling for more money.

She is not an exciting figure to the Democratic political class, and another candidate, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, is challenging her coronation.

The fight between state and federal interests, between black and brown interest groups, could undermine Democratic chances for holding onto seats in California.

In her latest eblast, she signals the same tired liberal talking points to rake in money, including the false arguments that her presence in the US Senate will prevent government shut-downs and protect women's "rights".

Hey — does your August To-Do list look anything like this right now?

"Ballot Go on vacation
"Ballot Buy groceries
☐ Support Kamala’s campaign for Senate
"Ballot Bring the family pet to the vet

This list provides a standard set of demands for anyone living their daily chores or looking for a respite from hectic schedules. "Go on vacation" has become an inceasingly expensive luxury which fewer Californians can afford. What about groceries? More California residents have complained that they cost of food and supplies has risen considerably. Auto insurance and rents have also risen, along with the cost of living in the Golden State.
Progressive policies have benefited the rich, cronyist, well-connected at the expense of everyone else. Most Californians can't afford the basic necessities, and now she wants more people to donate to her arrogant campaign for the US Senate.
If it does, it looks like there’s one last thing to check off — and you’ve still got 36 hours to help us reach our $40,000 goal, too. Rush in your contribution to the campaign before our August deadline.
Korrupt Kammy is struggling to raise money, No kidding. See above.
I can tell you a few things that would be at the top of Kamala’s Senate to-do list:

☐ Stop a government shutdown
☐ Protect a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and health
☐ Raise the minimum wage
☐ Address the problem of income inequality

But Kamala can’t get to work unless we help her get elected first. Reaching this $40,000 goal in the next day is priority one.
It would be nice to shut the government down, since every time the government stays open, a few people get richer and everyone else gets poorer and less safe. Protecting a woman's body is the subtle ruse to expand abortion, but the fact is that a pregnant mother has another life, another body in her body. It is not her body that is under discussion.
Kammy wants to address income inequality. She could start by ending the war on working people in the state of California, many of whom simply cannot make ends meet under the current anti-business, anti-free market economic principles.
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