Good Evening, Torrance City Council and residents:

My name is Arthur Schaper long-time resident, life-long citizen.

Stop Community Choice Aggregation

I am here to share a few things which I have been working on in the past few months.

I first of all want to emphasize the importance of discontinuing any investment or investigation in Community Choice Aggregation, a purported program which will limit local control while costing our city and individual energy consumers.

Second, I am concerned about illegal immigration in the state of California, and I believe that more citizens in the state, whether in the South Bay or the Inland Empire, should be concerned about its lingering effects on our communities.

The toll which illegal immigration has on the state’s safety and security, its peace and prosperity, cannot be overstated. The attacks on the rule of law particularly should awaken all citizens to demand enforcement of the rule of law.

For the past three months, I have been protesting the Huntington Park, CA City council, which recently appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions. These advisory boards do not exist to aid and abet federal and state crimes, but rather to provide opportunities for legal residents, whether born or naturalized, to participate in community affairs and advise the city council on ongoing city concerns.


I am pleased to announce that two members of this council, Mike Griffiths and Mayor Pat Furey, responded to my concerns about illegals sitting on city commissions in Torrance. In the Balanced City, a commissioner must be a registered voter and resident in the city – i.e. a legal resident.

Once again, I appreciate the rapid response from the two councilmembers.

I am asking for this city council;s assistance in any way possible to demand enforcement of the law in Huntington Park. I believe that Mayor Furey is the current chairman of the council of LA Cities. I would further note that as a citizen and resident of Torrance, CA, my First Amendment rights were violated when I was forced to leave after repeatedly requesting opportunity to speak on Huntington Park’s agenda items.

Picture of poster
shown to Torrance City Council

They also ejected a senior citizen for saying “Yes” three times during my public comment.
It is a sad state of affairs in the state of California when legal residents are punished for exercising their constitutional rights, and illegal aliens are privileged to sit on commissions at the expense of, in place of legal residents who follow and uphold the law.

Any assistance or advice on resolving these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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