With a jingle in his hand, a Christmas cap on his head, a protester bedecked in holiday cheer, Wes Parker brought Feliz Navidad early to Huntington Park, CA during the November 17th, 2015 City Council meeting.

Local activist Parker, a member of We the People Rising, composed and recited the following Christmas carol to the four rogue members of the Huntington Park City Council.

Wes Parker of  We the People Rising

Please enjoy (and maybe we will have a chance to recite this carol together at the Huntington Park City Council's final meeting of the year.
Twas the night before PRISON, when all through the flat
Not a creature was stirring, not even a RAT; 
All the Illegal Documents were placed by the chimney with care, 
For fear of deportation was still in the air. 
The Anchor Babies were nestled all snug in their beds: 
While visions of Huntington Park drug dealers danced in their heads. 
I Had just settled in, when there arose such a clatter. 
They sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. 
To see that Dark Shady Characters enter their home,
 They feared for my family for we were alone. 
Then out on the lawn did  suddenly appear 
Bright shinning lights as the siren came near.  
A knock on the door and a voice did say, 
"Come out all you criminals. We are taking you away. 
By the door if we can, or the chimney within." 
Then down thru the chimney they all came. 
And there stood a man, all dressed in green, 
with a bright shinny Badge with a bright, golden sheen.
"Come out all you criminals for you can not hide, 
for I am Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and you're taking a ride.
Here with ICE Agent Robert Newman JR.
Then out they all came from behind the tree, 
the Huntington Park City Council with their hands held high,
 "Have mercy on us won't you please, We plead! 
for it was Senator Lara who inspired this evil deed." 
"Denied" said the Sheriff, "for you have been warned, 
many times by Chanell Temple with a her endless Scorn."  
Then up the chimney they all went, 
after enjoying their milk and Cookies from the small table set, 
Left courtesy of "We The People Raising". 
Baked personally by Robin Hvidston. With the "H" being silent. 
 Then out on the lawn I heard a voice say: 
Off Pineda, Off Macias, Sanabria and Ortiz, too. 
Into the Paddy Wagon you go, for it's prison for you.
And to the Commissioners as well, off to Agent Newman shall you go, 
to be deported right back to Old Mexico.   
And as they drove off I heard Sheriff Joe say: 
A merry Lock Up to all, and to all Good Night. 
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