There’s a great deal of talk within the Republican Party
about expanding the brand as well as building the base. The unsettling
criticism unfolds to this one phrase: “We need to have a big tent”.

Is this an isolated concern? Sadly, no. Blue state
Republicans who win statewide office fear for their political future, and beg
for more “moderation” in the party platform. Usually, this fear arises after a
Republican loses, as though his defeat resulted from an extreme right platform.
A few weeks ago, I spoke with a young conservative, who eyed a city council run
in his own city two years prior: “Don’t we need a big tent to win elections, to
take back our country?”
Big Tent Politicking can lead to a circus
This proposal contains some merit. Without more registered Republicans
voting for the conservative cause, otherwise winnable districts look daunting
and even forbidding to potential Republican candidates. Is moderation
necessary, however? More Democrats are voting Republican. For
the past four months
, following targeted activism in Huntington Park, CA,
(a community which is 97% Hispanic) I have encountered a number of registered
Democrats as well as Republicans. The surprising thing for me, though, was
learning that those Democrats are voting against their own party, in one of the
most Democratic controlled regions of Los Angeles County.
One city councilmember in Huntington Park – Valentin
Amezquita – blasted the Los Angeles County Democratic Party
for promoting
cronies and corruptniks, all of which have profited themselves at the expense
of their working class constituents and communities throughout Eastern and
Southeastern Los Angeles. In Torrance, the South Bay section of LA County and
my home, I have talked with a number of Democrats fed up with their party.
California Democratic leaders have been taken over by the offensive anti-middle
class socialist elements in Sacramento, which promote Big Business, Big Green
(the environmental lobby) and Big Labor at the expense of the little guy. One
Democrat told me plainly that he would vote for a Republican, if that candidate
would secure the border. Imagine that: Democrats who want immigration enforcement,
not open borders, pathways to citizenship, nor blanket amnesty. In summary, most
business-minded and working class registered Democrats want representatives who
will represent — them!
So, how does the Republican Party expand its brand, and
extend its outreach, then? Not by changing its values but increasing its venues.
Instead of fighting against marriage and family, instead of caving on the Constitution
and limited government, Republicans need to serve communities of need, and
reach out to ethnic groups once overwhelmingly targeted by the Democratic

One Republican contender,
Ted Grose of Westchester, CA,
(who ran for an Assembly seat in a tough district
just south of LAX) reminded an audience of Asian-American Republicans that
Democratic political machine politicians love attending immigration ceremonies,
ready with registration papers to bring another crowd of new Americans into the
Democratic Party.  “They call themselves
Democrats, which means they stand for democracy, right?” certain immigrants admitted
to Grose, who explained to the active Republican their party affiliation. “At
this time, a large number of minority Democrats will not change their party
affiliation”, one Filipino-American and registered Republican informed me. “But
they will vote for Republican candidates.”
So far, so good. Republicans do not need a bigger tent in
terms of changing values, but instead reforming the perceptions which voters hold
about the Republican Party.  This
stubborn problem should not dissuade grassroots party organizers. Many
Democrats born in the United States admit they joined that party because their
parents were Democrats. The Democratic Party already left their parents, and is
leaving the current generation of Americans behind, too. Next, how do
Republicans fix their registration problem? Start attending the immigration
ceremonies. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, an outspoken conservative, former
Congressman from Colorado, and Presidential candidate, welcomed new Americans,
expressing his gratitude and respect: “Thank you for doing it legally!” How
about planning more events celebrating the contributions of the diverse ethnic
groups in our country, and how they have all contributed a new element to “This
American, this new man”?
Republican, conservative victory depends on reaching out to
new people, not abandoning principles.
Besides that, the Big Tent analogy needs more scrutiny. While
“a big tent” sounds inviting, and gives the impression that more people makes
for more victories, a tent has to stand for something, covering everyone, and
be grounded on a firm foundation. Otherwise, it turns into a cloth lying on the
ground, standing for nothing, covering no one, fixed nowhere, and easily blown
Let’s go one step further. With more diverse Republicans in
elected office across the country, men and women of minority backgrounds and
creeds, clearly the GOP has a big tent already. The sticking point for growth is
not ideology, but invitation. For Republicans to increase their numbers, they
need to focus on people, not principles, expanding their engagement, rather
than watering down their platform. If nothing else, American voters, regardless
of their background, are simply looking for a limited government which will
have their back and give back their freedom and autonomy. A tent has to secure
its inhabitants, ensure wiggle room to move around, but has to keep out the unsparing,
detrimental elements contrary to the safety and prosperity of residents within.
A big tent can turn into a circus of no consequence if Republican Party leaders
are not careful about defining their values within a careful, articulate

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