Mayor Karina Macias has courted controversy and illegal activities before. Before she voted with her corrupted colleague Jhonny Pineda to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions, she misued the city seal to get Pineda as well as Ortiz and Sanabria elected last year.

Huntington Park Mayor Karina Macias

The Los Angeles Wave reports:

Huntington Park City Council members clash over use of cityseal

HUNTINGTON PARK — Embattled Vice Mayor Karina Macias has
admitted using the city seal without permission on a campaign flier supporting
three challengers running for City Council March 3, but she refused to step
down after City Councilman Mario Gomez called for that at a special meeting
Feb. 5.

She was upsetting city decorum and breaking the law before the March, 2015 elections. Wow.

As mayor, Karina Macias also called a special meeting on December 23rd, 2015, two days before Christmas. Then the city council (purportedly) directed the city manager to cancel the January 5th, 2016 city council meeting. These rogues love their special sessions, as they believe that they can get away with just about anything.

The council majority, in closed session, approved hiring a
special attorney to look into the matter and called for investigation by the
state’s Fair Political Practices Commission.

The four corrupt officials need to be investigated for appointing two illegal aliens to city commissions.

“I will not step down,” Macias said.

She said she thanked the residents for coming to express
their opinion and would let the attorneys and district attorney decide on the

What?! Macias has been abusing her power and misusing the city's diminished prestige for her own gain. How shameful!

“I had checked with two civil attorneys and they said
nothing was illegal,” said Macias concerning the flier, adding “I used my own
money for it. I understand it is election time and the candidates I support are
not incumbents.”

What was the name of one of the attorneys? Arnold Alvarez-Glasman?!

However, former Councilwoman Elba Romo, a candidate March 3,
issued the following statement:

“The mailer that Vice Mayor Macias sent out uses the seal
twice, first in the cover to inform voters of “A message from Vice Mayor
Macias” and secondly in an interior letter.

“The use of the seal gives the appearance that this is an
official city endorsement. In a highly contested race with a total of 10
candidates, seven candidates have united to call for full enforcement of the
law. The council will vote to determine what actions will be taken.”

Ms. Romo strikes the necessary point. A city seal communicates a municipal sanction or sense of support for something or someone. Macias had not right nor authority to use the city seal to promote her three corrupt, crony friends into elected office.

Although a city policy calls for strict regulations on the
use of the city seal, City Attorney Isabell Buerruta said there is no specific
law against it. She proposed bringing such a resolution to the council at a
future date.

I have  no problem offering such a resolution.

It all began at the Feb. 2 City Council meeting when, during
council comments, Gomez displayed the colored flier and criticized Macias for
using the city seal.

“The city seal is sacred,” Gomez said. “You should not use
it for personal political reasons. It’s just not right.”

There is so much about Macias — and all that she does in Huntington Park — which is not right, and never will be. She disregards the natural rights of all people, and routinely violates the Constitutional rights of citizens.

Macias said she used the seal for identification and said
the brochure makes clear that it is her personal endorsement, not the
council’s. She said she supports challengers Jhonny Pineda, a member of the
Huntington Park Planning Commission; Marilyn Sanabria and Graciela Ortiz.

Pineda sat on the planning commission at one time. Who appointed him?

Mayor Rosa Perez is the only incumbent among 10 candidates
seeking three seats as Gomez and Councilwoman Ofelia Hernandez are termed out
of office.

Other candidates are former council members Andy Molina and
Romo, Leticia Martinez, executive director of the Greater Huntington Park Area
Chamber of Commerce; Alex Reynoso, Rodolfo Cruz and David Sanchez.

Rudy Cruz, Alex Reynoso, and David Sanchez were fighting a corrupt political machine.

Sanchez has been unsuccessful in two races against Rep.
Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Commerce.

God Bless David Sanchez for trying.

The council also agreed to place on a future agenda for
discussion possible residency requirements to run for a council seat. Some
residents Feb. 2 complained that under current policy a person who knows little
about city issues can move into the city one day before filing for election.

Well. Well. Well.

In the public comment portion of the agenda Feb. 2, Spanish
language journalist Henry Garcia called for a seven-year residency requirement,
while longtime resident Betty Retana called those who recently moved into the
city “carpetbaggers.”

Yes. Yes! YES!

“We need a new [residency] law,” Retana said. “People who
come here from the outside don’t know our problems. If the wrong people are
elected, they will be recalled.”

She told a reporter she was referring to Sanabria, Pineda
and a third candidate, apparently those endorsed by Macias.

Macias was the subject of similar complaints when she was
elected in March 2013.

Councilman Valentin Amezquita, who successfully ran with
Macias in that election, said he picked her up at her parents’ home in Walnut
Park, an unincorporated county area near the Huntington Park border, as she was
preparing to run for council. [emphasis mine]

Macias said a representative of the Los Angeles County
District Attorney’s Office visited her home in Huntington Park and declared her
a legal resident.

Speaking of visiting councilmember's homes. . .We the People Rising paid Macias a Christmas visit on January 5th, 2016, the same day when the city council was supposed to hold a council meeting, but had cancelled it the previous week. . .and Macias was in city hall earlier that evening, too.

The outside of Karina's apartment

Macias' Front Door

Speaking from the dais during council comments at the end of
the meeting Feb. 2 meeting, Macias said, “I went to school and grew up in
Huntington Park. My roots are here. I love the city.”

If she loves the city so much, then she would not turn it into a shameful spectacle of lawlessness and corruption. If Macias loved her city, she would follow the law, and stop pandering to immoral political machines who want to profit themselves at the expense of hard-working, law-abiding residents.

From the beginning of 2015 to the present day, Huntington Park Mayor Karina Macias has sealed her fate as a weak and feckless puppet, doing the bidding of mafia thugs, amnesty advocates, and Democratic frauds seeking only their gain.

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