Efren Martinez has big plans.

He is a Democratic Party operative.

He already lined up his support behind Isadore Hall III, who is now running for Congress.

He plays the politician card very well.

Look at all his charitable works and contributions during his 2012 Assembly campaign:

Here are some examples of Efren's thousands of community service hours in civic engagements and wide involvement in community affairs:

-Serves on the board of several organizations including Kiwanis Club, Salvation Army, YMCA, Community Leaders and Neighborhood Watch programs.

-Volunteer – presenting holiday gifts to the physically and/or mentally challenged students at Pacific Blvd. Elementary School, an LAUSD campus for disabled student since 1996.

-Volunteered in feeding the less fortunate families during Thanksgiving and other holidays.
-He has also been active with the caring and sharing quality time with senior and youth volunteer services.

-Reading and teaching kids and adults to read at the local Library.

-Member of the American Cancer Society, he was instrumental in volunteering his time and effort in the organization of the first American Cancer Society "Relay for Life" in the City of Huntington Park and Southeast Cities.

-Member of the Huntington Park Kiwanis Club, he founded, organize and present the first Annual Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund-Raising Carnival. In its first official presentation, he was able to secure over $10,000.00, all proceeds generated were strictly for graduating seniors of Huntington Park High School and surrounding cities that needed assistance with their endeavors of furthering their education.

Puppet Master Efren Martinez

Awww. How nice.
He should add money laundering to his list, though.
Betty Retama, a long-time resident of Huntington Park, submitted a complaint to the Piublic Integrity Division of the LA County District Attorney's office:
Efren Martinez is presently the CEO of the Florence Firestone Chamber of Commerce and a newly appointed Huntington Park Planning Commissioner. Concerns have arisen regarding his influence upon the ayor and three other council members.

The Los Angeles Wave reported these concerns earlier in the year:
Former Councilwoman Rosa Perez accused Macias and the three
new council members of being beholden to Efren Martinez, who worked on the
recent campaign.
“We all know you are indebted to him,” Perez said. “You need
to pay off all your campaign debts.”
“Efren Martinez controls the mayor and three new council
members,” agreed Alex Reynoso, who ran against the three new council members in
the March 3 election. “We all know how grateful all of you are to Efren for
getting you elected and how indebted you are to him. We all know you will do
anything he tells you to do. We all know that this ‘new leadership’ needs to
pay off all the promises made to the businesses and individuals that gave money
to your political action committees,” Reynoso said.

Martinez was their campaign manager, and he donated a considerable sum to their campaigns.
Where did he get the money? From his 2012 59th Assembly campaign bid.
There is one problem: he never lived in the 59th, and should never have pulled papers or opened up an Officeholders account to run for the seat.
Puppet Master Martinez: He contributed thousands of hours in the public eye, but thousands of dollars behind the scenes for his cronies, all to solidify power. He ran a sham campaign to raise money for other races, so he can run Huntington Park city council.
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