At the January 11th 2016 Cudahy city council meeting, the city council yelled at the members of the audience.

They had enacted a political vendetta against a contractor, who taught a group of girls to dance in a Christmas recital. Four of the city councilmembers then canceled the performance at the last minute. They also took away the best toys for the community and gave them worthless junk. They have awarded lavish contracts to rich special interests, even though the city now faces a $1 million shortfall.

I have filed a few complaints against the city of Huntington Park, and now the city of Cudahy.

Sean Hasset of the Los Angeles County Public Integrity Office responded to my complaint about Cudahy Chris" Garcia taking pictures of the audience during the city council meeting:

His response:

Re: Possible Brown Act violation
by Cudahy City Council member Chris Garcia

Dear Mr. Schaper,

We are in receipt
of your correspondence sent January 13 , 2016, regarding Cudahy City Council
member Chris Garcia taking photographs of the audience and posting them to his
Facebook page during the January 20 [sic], 2016 Cudahy City Council meeting. Although
this behavior tends to erode the dignity and solemnity of his office, it is not
a violation of the Brown Act.

We thank you for
taking an interest in your community and bringing this matter to our attention.

Very truly yours,
District Attorney
of Los Angeles County

Sean Hassett

Deputy District

The LA County DA does recognize that Garcia is eroding the dignity of his office, and not just by taking photos of the audience.

He should watch this video, and see how low Garcia has gone.

There is more good news, however, in spite of this one letter.

The California Chapter of LULAC issued the following letter to the LA County District Attorney's office, too:

Dear District Attorney Lacey:

Greetings from the California League of United Latin American Citizens. LULAC is a national civil rights organization that has been in existence for over 87 years. Our Mission is to advance
the educational attainment, economic condition, health, civil rights, and political empowerment of the Hispanic population of the United States through community based programs operating in
over 1200 membership chapters throughout the United States including nearly 100 in California.
We are writing to request that your office fully investigate possible violations of California

Government Code 54950, also known as the Ralph M. Brown Act, in the City or Cudahy. Members of our organization in Cudahy allege that there have been recent repeated violations thal have had the effect or restricting the right of residents to participate in the governance of
their community.

As an organization, we believe that any action which willfully prohibits residents from engaging their elected representatives in discussing issues warrants a full inquiry by your offce. Please
contact me directly at 805-258-1800 or by email at


Dave Rodriguez


More organizations are stepping up and demanding respect for the First Amendment rights of residents in Cudahy.

If you are a resident of the city, please contact the Los Angeles County Public Integrity Office:

Address: 320 W Temple St # 766, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone: (213) 974-6501
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