You can sense the desperation, deceit, and dysfunction,

Here is a list (hardly finite) of campaign eblasts from the Clinton camp:

January 31st, 2016:

Hi‏ [From Bubba]

Friend —
Hillary's the toughest fighter I've ever known — but with
the polls this tight in Iowa, she can't win this fight without you. You can
still help. Can you chip in $1 right now to help her out before Iowans caucus
I'm here in Iowa now, and folks are excited: They're
knocking on doors in the cold, trekking out to talk with friends about why
they're standing with Hillary, and making hours of calls to make sure their
neighbors caucus, too.
I hope Hillary can count on you — we've only got one day
left, and she's never needed us more.
Chip in $1 today, and let's make history tomorrow:
Donate $1
Thank you,


– – – – – – – – 

We could make history together tomorrow‏
Friend —
Tomorrow night, we'll know who won the Iowa caucus.
We’ve worked incredibly hard to get to this point, and no
matter what happens, I’ll be proud of this team.
If you're ready for our biggest test yet — say you're with
me right now:
Donate $1
Thank you,

– – – – –

February 1st, 2016:

Friend —
Thank you.
I'm so grateful to everyone who called a neighbor, or
knocked a door, or contributed — you've poured your dreams and determination
into this campaign. You never lost faith. Anytime we got knocked down, you got
right back up.

Actually, more people are losing faith in Hillary's campaign. Enough that Nanny State Michael Bloomberg is mulling an Independent bid.
You haven't gotten as much credit as you deserve — but
there are hundreds of thousands of people just like you, and none of this would
have been possible without you.
Tomorrow, we'll look forward to New Hampshire, Nevada, South
Carolina, and beyond. Chip in just $1 to let me know you're with me and ready
to win the nomination and the presidency.
I congratulate Senator Sanders and Governor O'Malley for a
hard-fought race, and I look forward to the debate on Thursday. But the truth
remains: Our country has to build on what works. We have to push forward, step
by step, day by day — we have to take on the hard fights that bring about
Hard work is how we passed health care reform and how we
expanded Social Security — it's how we fought for civil rights, voting rights,
worker's rights, women's rights, and LGBT rights. It's the story of America.

If we want to enshrine and ensure rights, we must end the wrongs of the Clinton-Obama-Sanders-O'Malley agenda.
Together, you and I are writing a new chapter in that story,
alongside millions of men and women across the country who share our belief
that a better future is possible.
Donate $1 to say you're by my side for the next part of this
Donate $1
Thank you,

– – – – – – – –
Please, Please, Please vote for me!
February 2nd, 2016

If you were waiting, now’s the time‏ [Chelsea]
Friend —
Someday, when she's a little older, I'm going to tell my
daughter a story.
I'll start with how it used to be that women couldn't vote
in this country. Then I'll tell her about the courageous group of women — and
some men — who banded together, organized, and changed that.

So, electing the first woman President is akin to women fighting for the right to vote? The first female Congresswoman was a Republican. None of them waged a life of serial fraud and deceit to get ahead. None of them were flabby acolytes of socialists and anarchists.
None of them were corrupt. Hillary Clinton is a disgrace to women, all women. She helped her husband wage a war on women!
Then I'll tell her about how there used to be all kinds of
jobs that boys could do and girls couldn't. I'll tell her about all the women
who didn't let that get in their way — the women who broke barriers and became
astronauts, doctors, soldiers, and scientists.
I'll tell her about how it used to be that no woman had ever
been president. And I'll tell her how that all started to change one very cold
evening back in 2016, when people came together to help her grandmother become
the first woman to win the Iowa caucus.

The first woman to win the Iowa caucus? So far, that is true. . .but the recount may reveal Bernie Sanders with a small lead in the end.
Last night was an incredible victory for my mom and this
team — let's build on it. Chip in $1, and let's get to the part of the story
where my mom becomes our next president:
Donate $1
Thank you,

– – – – – – – –
We’ve made history‏ [Hillary]
Friend —
Last night, this team made history. I can't thank you

Hillary Clinton is making history: the first female felon running for President.
We have a lot of work ahead of us and a real fight on our
hands, but thanks to your hard work to win Iowa, we have a strong wind at our
backs — and I know we've got the best team in this election.

A real fight, with the courts and the FBI.
Next up: We take New Hampshire by storm. Are you with me?
Donate $1
You're the best. Now let's go win.

– – – – –

We won Iowa! Thank you.‏
Friend —
Our team had a historic win in Iowa last night, and I am so
proud of every last one of you for being part of it. Now that the first contest
of this campaign is over, here's what I know:
We've got a real fight on our hands, and we're all going to
need to pitch in to win this nomination. We face an uphill battle in New
Hampshire — Senator Sanders has home field advantage, and he's already
outspent us by more than $2 million on television there.
But I know this, too: We have the strongest team in this
campaign, and we have what it takes to win this nomination and win the White
Don't wait another minute to chip in $1 — there's too much
at stake. Show me you're in this to win it all, and let's go do exactly that:
Donate $1
Thank you,

February 3rd, 2016


She claims huge victories.
Yet she barely made it out of Iowa.
She already lost. If she was such a winning candidate, nearly half of Iowa voters would not have drifted toward Bernie.
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