The Chronic sob story from pro-amnesty proponents argues that conservatives and pro-secure border advocates want to tear families apart.

Furthermore, they suggest that deportation would lead to young people who know nothing else except the United States to struggle in a foreign country to which they have no attachment.

Consider this story from the liberal, pro-illegal alien Los Angeles Times.

A California 'Dreamer' goes home to Mexico. But 'home'proves elusive

After her mother whisked her away at age 8 from her pueblo
in Oaxaca to the Mid-City neighborhood of Los Angeles, Veronica Martinez
Sanchez forgot most of what her life was like at the foot of Picacho Mountain.

This story lines up with the "struggles" of many young illegals in the United States, particularly California.

They have friends, family, acuaitances on both sides of the border, whether in Mexico

The few memories that remained were of the loquat tree she
climbed as a child and the splashes of yellow and red flowers emblazoned on the
traditional blouse of her grandmother Sofia Gomez — a woman Martinez remembered
as tall, slim and strong.
Those fuzzy images and the stories her mother and father
recounted made her yearn for her place of birth.
For most of her life, though, these were only wistful
yearnings — without legal status, she could never hope to safely reenter the
U.S. Then came President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
program, which in addition to protecting many children brought into the country
illegally from deportation, opened the door for some of them to leave the
country temporarily.

Legal Immigration with Secure Borders:
The right and honorable goal

Notice that legal status brings security and peace. Why do parents insist on putting their children into such harmful, difficult predicaments? Illegal immigration is not an act of love.

The problem: There are no guarantees that U.S. immigration
agents at the border will honor those who have applied for these so-called
“advance paroles.”

And they should not have to. Legal status matters–to everyone, young or old.

If she went “home” to Oaxaca, she might never be able to
return “home” to Los Angeles.

She sees Mexico as home, too. There is no basis to the argument that young illegals sent to their country of origin would suffer irreparable harm.
Martinez decided to try.
She became one of a growing number of young “dreamers”
across the U.S. who are traveling back to Mexico and Central America, learning
to traverse two worlds — and discovering they are citizens of both.

I wonder when the United States Federal government, and the state of California will start caring about the dreams and aspirations of our legal youth, of the citizens in this country who have graduated from high school, from college, and are looking for a better career.

What about their dreams?

“I didn’t realize I was so Americanized. I didn’t want to
accept it,” Martinez, 27, said after spending several months with her
grandmother last year, conversing comfortably in their native Zapotec. “You
become used to life in the U.S. That’s the truth.”

Americanized? Many people want that, and yet this young lady  does not seem that interested in American status. Why would she want to stay in the United States, then?
Her parents were part of that migration. Though Martinez
spent most of her life in the U.S., she said it never really felt like home.

There you have it.
Then there's more about the law enforcement angle, often overlooked:

Generally, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will
grant advance parole for DACA recipients only if they have a qualifying
humanitarian, employment or educational reason to travel abroad. Some
"dreamers" were brought to the U.S. illegally, some overstayed visas
and now live in the country without documentation.

Yes. Even then, these deferments are unconstitutional and unconscionable, undermining the rule of law, spitting in the face of the millions of legal residents who became naturalized citizens the right way. Let's not forget the four million who are still waiting.

According to the agency, in the first two years of DACA
implementation, about 6,400 DACA recipients had applied for advance parole.
It’s unclear how many have been denied reentry into the U.S.

Only 6,400? Why such a small number? Most likely because many of the supposed applicants actually did not qualify according the outlined conditions. Many more may have doubted whether they would avoid deportation.

Martinez received permission under the educational
provision, traveling with a study abroad program sponsored by UC Riverside,
where she is a sociology and anthropology major. She attended classes in Mexico
City but spent most of her time completing an independent research project on
traditional dress in her village.

The governing majority which pushed the "DREAM" Act on this state deserves some of the blame for this terrible situation. I did not support this nonsense. Why are non-citizens getting better treatment than the legal residents of the state of California, whether born or naturalized? This upside-down approach to legal status and cultural realities is deafening in its offense.

Final Reflection

This immigrant sob stories in the liberal press cannot cover up the greater tragedy of open borders and rampant lawlessness. The corruption in the Southeaster Los Angeles County cities would not exist if the rule of law remained the norm.

A country without borders is no country, and the promises of this great country cannot exist without respect for the legal naturalization process.

A constant theme in the LA Times article above should remind readers that piece-meal amnesty and arbitrary lawlessness toward citizenship produces anxiety, insecurity, and dysfunction.

Everyone should earn citizenship
Not amnesty, but legally!

The young lady featured in the column constantly worried about her future as well as her proper identity.

The best response to the current illegal immigration situation, whether in California or New Hampshire, is enforcement of the law, and restoration of every possible legal channel for naturalization.

The young illegals have homes and families which they can connect with. They can then take the necessary steps to become safe, secure, and respected citizens of this wonderful country.

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