The US Senate Race in California for Election 2016 is looking less and less like a lost cause.

Republicans up and down the state are meeting with all kinds of candidates.
This open is the first open US Senate seat in twenty-four years, and even though the California Republican Party is bouncing back legislative seat by seat, even the most optimistic conservatives recognize that the war to take back California is going to require more time than just one election cycle.
Tom Del Beccaro
2014 was a low turnout year. 2016 is going to be much busier.
I am not worried about it. Yet.
Democrats, both nationally and and even in California, and divided.
The US Senate race is no exception.
Kamala Harris is a spoiled, entitled uber-liberal who cannot believe that she has to work at raising money for her campaign.
Loretta Sanchez is trying to play a more centrist card, and has made some inflammatory remarks to attract conservatives.
There are other Democrats, too, including the wacky Thomas Hardie, who wants a gay police force to protect the LGBT community.
Then there are three major Republican nominees.
Rocky Chavez
Tom Del Beccaro
Duf Sundheim
Duf Sundheim
This past week, Chavez announced that he is dropping out of the US Senate race. He had very little cash on hand, coupled with tens of thousands of dollars of campaign debt.
Rocky then turned around and endorsed Duf Sundheim.
California Republicans are waking up. If they want a real shot at the US Senate seat, they need to thin the herd down to one solid, center-right candidate who can take on the Democratic contender in the general election.
The Sacramento Bee listed the two remaining lead contenders' responses to key issues last week.
The California Republican Assembly convention is this weekend (Feb 20th).
The remaining contest between Tom Del Beccaro and Duf Sundheim is getting cast as a contest between moderate and conservative.
Yet their arguments and responses for the Carl DeMaio radio program show them as nearly identical on the issues.
How will this tie break? More to follow!
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