This morning, I learned about the Torrance School Board agenda for February 16th, 2016, and found out about the following item:

1. A summer session will be offered for emergency immigrant students, to be held from August 1 through August 19, 2016. Classes will focus on English as a Second Language and activities related to an understanding of American culture and traditions. Funding for these students is provided through the Emergency Immigrant Program.

Emergency immigrant students?

What does that mean?

Where did these individuals come from?

Why did the school board slip this item onto Agenda #16.4

I had to look over the agenda two times, and this is the heading for the item above:


It's listed as a consent item?! Really?!

There's more:

16.4 Approval for Summer Programs for 2016
Innocuous enough. Most people would have looked over it, if Clint Paulson had not brought out the information for more people to read and know:
And the text above will be found on one of the summaries right here:
Board of Education approval is requested to conduct the 2016 summer programs as follows: 
1. A summer session will be offered for emergency immigrant students, to be held from August 1 through August 19, 2016 and will be held at a designated school in each quadrant. Classes will focus on English as a Second Language and activities related to an understanding of American culture and traditions. Funding for these students is provided through the Emergency Immigrant Program.
2. The extended school year program (ESY) will be conducted for Special Education students, for a total of twenty days from July 25 through August 19, 2016 and will be held at a designated elementary school for K-6 students and a designated high school for 7-12 students. The program will be a continuation of the regular school year experience as prescribed by each students’ Individualized Educational Plan and funded though Special Education.

3. A fee-based high school summer athletics program and summer Instrumental Music, Pep Squad, Drill Team, Leadership, and Academic Decathlon programs will be offered at each comprehensive high school from June 28 through August 5, 2016. A $100 fee will be collected for each participating student to cover coaching and teaching stipends (not to exceed $6,458 each), and administrative costs. For students taking more than one program, an additional $90 will be collected for each class. Some scholarship opportunities will be available. All classes will be taught by credentialed teachers or District authorized coaches. The athletics program classes are open to all students who wish to participate, and are not a prerequisite for participation in athletics during the school year. No grades or credit will be given. Accommodations will be made for students with disabilities. Sessions will be offered in the afternoons, and will not interfere with other summer academic programs. Supervision will be provided, and all rules applicable during the regular school year will be in effect. Funds will be deposited in District accounts, and stipend checks issued only after all requirements have been met.
4. A fee-based middle school summer Instrumental Music program will be offered at participating middle schools, to be held from June 28 through August 5, 2016. A $100 fee will be collected for each participating middle school student to cover teacher stipends (not to exceed $6,458 each), and administrative costs. Some scholarship opportunities will be available. Classes will be taught by credentialed teachers. No grades or credit will be given. Accommodations will be made for students with disabilities. Sessions will be offered in the afternoons, and will not interfere with other summer academic programs. Supervision will be provided, and all rules applicable during the regular school year will be in effect. Funds will be deposited in District accounts, and stipend checks issued only after all requirements have been met.
5. A "Jump-Start" summer session will be offered for targeted students. Classes will serve targeted students in elementary, middle and high school. The sessions will be held at a designated school in each quadrant.
The elementary school and middle school sessions will be held Monday through Friday from August 1 through August 19, 2016.
The high school session will be held Monday through Friday from August 8 through August 26, 2016.
Funding for these programs is provided through supplemental grant funds.
Requested By:
Chief Academic Officer
Sr. Director – Secondary Schools
Sr. Director – Elementary Schools

So, we return to the first listed item on the above agenda portion:

1. A summer session will be offered for emergency immigrant
students, to be held from August 1 through August 19, 2016 and will be held at
a designated school in each quadrant. Classes will focus on English as a Second
Language and activities related to an understanding of American culture and
traditions. Funding for these students is provided through the Emergency
Immigrant Program.
What is the curriculum? What will these studfenst learn about American culture and traditions?
Who is paying for this? "Emergency Immigrant Program" does not inform the public for anything.
Are these "emergency immigrants" in the country legally or illegally? Can the district inform us one way or another?
I encourage every Torrance resident–and every citizen who can–to attend tonight's Torrance School Board meeting and get answers!
Contact the Torrance School Board, and find out what is going on!
Why is the school district taking time to teach emergency immigrants, when there has been a marked drop in Algebra One enrollment? What about the legal residents already here in Torarnce? What about them?
District Office
2335 Plaza Del Amo
Torrance, CA 90509
Phone: (310) 972-6500
Martha Deutsch – 
 Cell: (310) 720-3893
Terry Ragins – Vice President
Phone: (310) 323-6259
Fax: Same as above
Cell: (310) 408-4482
Don Lee – Clerk
Cell: (310) 345-0071
Mark Steffen – Member
Phone: (310) 618-9885
Michael Wermers – Member
Phone: (310) 378-5999
Cell: (310) 739-0236

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x