A pattern of discrimination has emerged in Huntington Park, CA.

When Hispanic residents address the city council, they receive full attention, with no interruptions.

When individuals European descent–white people–address the city council or protest the immoral policies of the city council, they are forced to sit down and be quiet.

I have been interrupted many times when I have spoken to the city council.

In 2015, one of the members of the audience told Shirley Husar, a black woman, to "go back to Africa."

Pro-illegal activists have called me and others racist because we oppose illegal immigration.

I was removed from the Sept 8th, 2015 city council meeting just for asking a question about the agenda and the public comment procedure.

At the September 22nd 2015 city council meeting, Dr. Robert Newman was removed just for saying "Yes" during my public comments.

Fire the racist Huntington Park city council!

When pro-illegal supporters address the city council, the mayor and her corrupt colleagues let them get away with saying shameful, offensive things against us.

Councilman Valentin Amezquita has slammed the city council many times over for limiting our pubic comment. He lately blasted them for violating our civil rights at the Feb 16 city council meeting, too.

Karina Macias kept calling me out of order, even though there were other people who were talking to the city council

At the February 16th, 2016 city council meeting, Macias interrupted me repeatedly when I was delivering the recall papers to Mayor Karina Macias and Councilman Jhonny Pineda.

The mayor wanted to make me sit down when Wes Parker, another white man, asked me to stand with him. He called them out for their double-standard and prejudice.

There is a pattern of discrimination emerging in Cudahy as well.

This racist protestor–Alan Garcia–kept telling me to shut up. He later told me that I had no right or business to speak in Cudahy because I did not live there.

That is wrong. There were other people who are not from Cudahy, yet he did not saying anything to them.

A pattern of anti-White and anti-Black discrimination is emerging in many of these majority-Latino cities who have corrupt city councils.

This has to stop!

Enough discrimination! Stop the hate!

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