Good Evening Huntington Park City Council.
First of all, I want to assure former mayor Karina Macias … 
I will not be speaking on Item #3.
Second of all, I was reviewing the minutes from the February
16th City Council meeting.
The City Clerk left out one clear detail:
The four members mentioned in the papers were served. Just
because you did not place your hands or pick up the papers does not mean  that you were not served.
You were targeted for recall.
Now, the current mayor, Graciela Ortiz, claimed that this
recall against the four corrupt members of the city council originated from
outside the city.
I wish that I could take some credit for circulating or
signing the papers.
Unfortunately, I cannot, since the legal process—something
which none of you really care about anyone—requires all recall efforts to rely
on city residents. But believe me, if I could, I would
I cannot circulate nor sign the recall petitions. So guess
what? The people in this city want you out!
This is not about forces outside the city. This is a
movement from withing.
Now, Mayor Ortiz and her cowardly colleagues claimed that
the protesters in the audience are a bunch of racists.
And yet, the Los Angeles Wave reported how misinformed even
silly such an assertion that is.

Also, the four members targeted for recall keep claiming
that We the People Rising are anti-immigrant. Look at the shirt I am wearing! I
got this from Nick Ionnadis, himself an immigrant, and the founder of
Immigrants Day, celebrated every year on October 28th.
I helped him move his memorabilia and legacies into a better
The truth is, this city council is anti-immigrant. You
despise the rule of law, and you spit on those who came to this country legally
to become legal citizens.

Time is running out. Rescind the appointments of the two
illegal aliens, resign your posts, and send the message to all cities: Cities
are for citizens, and the rule of law will remain paramount in this community.
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