“You have to accept me!” — Gay activist in Hermosa Beach, CA

“Arthur, you ignorant bigot!” — Lewis Charleston
People keep talking about “gay this” and “gay that”, and “proud to be gay”, even though the advocates for the lifestyle claim that people are born that way. If you have nothing to do with it, then what is there to be proud of? Should I be proud of being white?
Someone once told me that Providence, Rhode Island is the “Gay Capital” of the United States, not San Francisco or West Hollywood, or even Dallas, Texas (that city had an openly gay mayor, I believe). From Rhode Island Assembly Speaker Gordon Fox to former Providence mayor now Congressman David “Grand Theft Auto” Cicilline, homosexuality is prominent in the politics and the people in Providence.
What would Roger Williams think? Besides being appalled, he probably would have cited scripture upon scripture condemning the practice, not an identity.
Bigotry or Free Speech?
No, wait. If Providence’s colonial patriarch showed up on the steps of city hall (or the statehouse) and declared his opposition, he would probably be pilloried as a bigot, a hater, or from even less reflectie minds “a racist”. In effect, he would have gotten the same reception he had endured in Massachusetts, the first state to recognize gay marriage. No, wait again. The state supreme court forced the Commonwealth to recognize gay marriage.
Then again, Williams might have shared his thoughts on the Internet, as did GoLocal MINDSETTERS™ Don Roachand John Perilli. Writing about a(nother) controversial bill in Arizona, Roach broached the clash of gay marriage vs. religious beliefs with “What do you think?” Perilli identified the “Therimdorian” (read, conservative) backlash to gay marriage.
About homosexuality and civil rights, the conflict is indeed unique. Unlike the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s, homosexuals claim that they are born gay and thus any discrimination cannot be tolerated. Opponents disagree and support the right of religious institutions and private establishments the right to refuse certain services.

The opponents are right: people are not born gay. There is simply no compelling evidence to support any other idea. From the ancient Greeks, who prized homosexual love yet recognized marriage between one man and one woman, to the present day, growing evidence determines that homosexual conduct is a choice, and a bad one, fraught with diseasedysfunction, and death.
Now, in a free society, adopting a libertarian, live-and-let-live mindset, consenting adults are free to use (or abuse) their bodies as they choose. Also in a free society, individuals must recognize the crucial element of tolerance, which not only permits others to live as they please, yet accepts that everyone cannot be forcibly entitled to other people’s opinion. Furthermore, other people may recognize and protect themselves and their children from the risks associated with certain behavioral choices.
People of religious persuasion, or of a cultural stance, should not be forced to cater to homosexuals, if they deem such offensive or immoral. Nevertheless, a growing infringement on freedom of speech, press, and religion is manifesting in the face of resistance to homosexuality.
In Sweden, a pastor was jailed for preaching against homosexuality.
In Canada, a court of appeals ruled that religious ministers have to perform same-sex weddings , regardless of their convictions. The Supreme Court ruled that criticizing homosexuality amounted to “hate speech”, which could be penalized. Excuse me?!
Anti-Freedom Legislation
But that’s Sweden and Canada, critics would counter. Perilli has argued that such anti-freedom outcomes would never be passed here.
Think again.
A Hawaii bed and breakfast faced a lawsuit, then were forced to cater to a homosexual couple, even though the owners did not support the lifestyle.
In New Mexico , a Christian wedding photographer was compelled to offer services to a gay couple.
In Oregon, a bakery was forced to close following a lawsuit from a gay couple, because the baker refused to bake them a wedding cake.
In a Hermosa Beach town hall meeting, a gay activist declared without reserve: “You have to accept me!” Have to? The United States is a constitutional republic, not a tyranny. I don’t “have to” accept people’s lifestyle choices.
A Call for Countermentum
Countermentum is necessary against this aggressive, anti-freedom homosexual agenda.
In my hometown, Torrance, a gay activist tagged “Tastes like hate!” on a Chik-Fil-A, after CEO Dan Cathy shared his opposition to gay marriage. Customers supported Cathy and “ate more Chikin” instead.
After Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson’s comments on homosexuality, then A&E’s indefinite, unjust suspension, supporters punched back, and Robertson was reinstated. Even gay academic Camille Paglia supported Phil, calling A&E’s response "Fascist and Stalinist.”
And now Arizona lawmakers have offered a bill which would protect businesses from lawsuits if they choose not to serve homosexuals as a matter of conscience. Such legal precautions seem necessary, not a nicety.
With all due respect to Rosa Parks, a true civil rights hero, more Americans, gay and straight, are refusing to sit in the back of the bus to a vocal, virulent, yet marginal anti-freedom homosexual agenda.
I say good for them. And I am sure Roger Williams would agree.
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