Governor Pat McCrory of North Carolina — “The Tar Heel
State” — worried me.
When the Republican supermajority in Raleigh passed
legislation to protect individual civil servants’ freedom of conscience, he
vetoed the bill, fearing a lawsuit onslaught. The legislature overrode his
veto. Today, judges do not have to officiate same-sex “weddings”, and
individual clerks do not have to issue licenses for homosexual “marriages”.
When the legislature took another stance against the Big
LGBT Hate Machine, McCrory respected their measure (as did the majority of
North Carolinians, moral necessity, including biological reality), and signed
into law HB 2.
What does Law #2 do?
The legislation requires that all individuals use public
restrooms in accordance with their sex, the biological determinants of their
This is a novel, controversial, and hair-raising piece of
To the regressive, illiberal Left, yes it is. To a
weak-kneed world, unwilling to stand up to progressive insanity, yes indeed.
This is Cultural Marxism, unchecked for the past seven years under the Occupant
in the White House. This destructive, Satanic movement, spawned in pre-World
War II Germany, now infects the United States from University to homestead.
The goal of the Frankfurt Cult?
Divide Americans then conquer them through the interminable
coercion of the State. Since military might failed to vaunt Communism above
everything, a subtle, inside approach took over. If the United States—and the
West—could tear down the Berlin Wall, why not create invisible walls among
Americans? Divide them up over artificial identities, destroy the major
institutions of life and learning. Remove any relevance to the basic biological
underpinnings of our lives, and then watch Big Brother burst through, with his
boot in your face—forever!
Governor McCrory, whether he wanted to or not, is the latest
face in the fight for individual liberty, limited government, and
constitutional rule. Whether he wanted to or not, he signed onto the
common-sense legislation to respect and maintain the blessed distinctions of
male and female, recognized for the good of all in the most privy of places,
for the most private of acts.
The onslaught has been intense.
The hypocritical Left, from the social injustice warriors to
the empty-headed celebrities, and the immoral federal government have all tried
to stomp out this law. “Men may go wherever they feel like going.”
Would McCrory give way? Would he cave like the cowardly
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, who rejected the weakest of religious liberty
protection bills earlier this year? Would he falter the way of Arkansas and
Indiana governors, too?
He did issue an executive order … clarifying the law, but in
no way reducing its impact.
The left-wing Atlantic foamed and fumed:
McCrory’s order seems to be geared at soothing fears about
some elements in the law, but it does not appear to make any material changes.
The governor cannot unilaterally change the law. There is no change to the
transgender-bathroom conditions, one of the most complicated elements.
Government buildings, including schools, will still require people to use
bathrooms and locker rooms corresponding to the gender on their birth
certificate. But the order also notes that private businesses may establish
their own restroom and locker-room policies.

Male is male, female is female, and in North Carolina, city
ordinances (like those of uber-Democratic Charlotte) cannot override these
basic rules of nature. McCrory could not “unilaterally change the law.” Would
that President Obama deferred in turn to the national Charter and our Congress.
McCrory offered a neutral explanation, respecting private businesses to
implement policies as they see fit. Target has tried that insipid approach, to
the hurt of its bottom line and impoverishing stock-holders.
No, McCrory is not caving, in part because the state
legislature, defined by rock-steady conservatives, will not let him. The
stories from wounded women, victimized by sexual assault, has overridden the
flighty, moral insanity of the statist hordes demanding an ideal word free of
Standing by HB 2, North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor Dan
Forest declared his bold, adamant stance to protect women and children (and
even men!):

If our action in keeping men out of women’s bathrooms and
showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested
or assaulted, then it was worth it. North Carolina will never put a price tag
on the value of our children.
Public safety overrides effete sentimentality. Priceless!
The Governor is also demonstrating solid leadership. In
spite of petty boycotts from large corporations (still conducting business in
countries where homosexuals are routinely flogged and/or executed), McCrory is
digging in his tar heels.
The latest demonstration of courage? His bold, principled,
and righteous defiance to the federal government’s Department of (In)Justice:
The Los Angeles Times reports:
The Justice Department notified Gov. Pat McCrory in a letter
Wednesday that the state’s House Bill 2, which restricts transgender bathroom
access and has become a focus in the LGBT rights fight, violates sections of
the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
This is insulting as well as insipid. This law was designed
to protect individuals of different colored skin or from discrimination. It is
very offensive for the feds to compare the disorder of transgenderism with an
ethnic status, for which one has no determination over—and should not be
The North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore blew off Obama’s
empty threats:
We will take no action by Monday,” Moore told reporters in
a video broadcast by the Raleigh News & Observer. “That deadline will come
and go. Obviously, we don’t ever want to lose any money, but we’re not going to
get bullied by the Obama administration …
The Governor staked out a simple stance on this fight:
“The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most
private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy.”
Let Governor McCrory know he is doing the right thing:
“Keep digging in your tar heels for biology, reality, and
individual security!”
Sign this petition here to show your support.
Contact his office:
Governor McCrory
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301

(919) 814-2000
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