This is the strongest
field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at
random, and have the strongest cabinet America has had in a life-time. And
instead, all our time is spent discussing this … rodeo clown.
Charles Krauthammer
Donald Trump.
He flied and flopped all over the news.
He dominated the airwaves like a drunken sea captain.
He took over the polls like a possessed mountaineer. He
could say anything and get away with it, like Andy Kaufman’s made-up alter ego
lounge-singer Tony Clifton.
And yet even those comparisons don’t quite cut it.
He took down one opponent after another, and spent more time
wowing crowds instead of crowing about his victories.
He played the media game better than Obama. This old, white
New England liberal carried the Winner Take All states like a winner.
$2 billion in free advertising. How right the talking heads
were. They kept talking about Donald Trump.
And now everyone will be voting for or against him in the
months to come.
He said anything he wanted to, including what many of us
were thinking.
And yet, so many people did not consider him a thinking man,
or even worth thinking about.
The Washington Post’s own Charles Krauthammer dismissed him
as a “rodeo clown.”
And now he’s got the show all sewed up in his favor.
Donald Trump signing "Green Acres" with Megan Lullaly (
I am saddened that Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. But
hey — If Evangelical Indiana says “No!” to you, then it’s time to move on:
Senate Majority Whip, Leader? I would love to see Cruz as another Associate
then Supreme Court Chief Justice. Sure, there are still states in play for
Election 2016. There are still delegates to win, and those pledged delegates
will vote not just on their assigned nominee, but the process and the platforms
to follow. I am still voting for Ted Cruz in the California primary. I hope
that lots of Republicans turn out in the Golden State, even if they felt that
their golden opportunity to matter in the Presidential primary has been
tarnished for good.
And …
In a sense, Donald Trump has been a gift for this
(with many thanks to Nerdwriter
on this analysis).
He has exploited the media-hyped hypocrisy of objectivity.
They can’t pretend to be integrated or principled. They just want ratings,
money, and they chased the hottest item rather than the wisest.
He has also proven the power of right-wing as well as
left-wing media to create a candidate. Look at all the news site from
conservative think tanks as well as the liberal mainstream media, too. Even if
the radio talk show hosts hated Donald Trump, we learned why, and expected our
state and local candidates to promote those values.
Donald Trump forced the media to cover him. They need the
ratings, especially since their stock prices and influence are falling rapidly.
In the meantime, hasn’t anyone noticed that the state
legislatures are getting stronger by the minute? Washington politburo political
bureaucracies are cratering under their own waste and weight. Now we’re paying
attention. Haven’t we had enough of DC discontinuing our liberty? Our rights of
self-determination, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Washington
is finally functional, because of lawmakers dysfunction. Speaker of the House
John Boehner showed his true colors (besides his Oompa-Loompa tan) at Barack
Obama’s last White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
Now, one of them has been forced out, and the other will be
leaving in less than one year.
Donald Trump made fun of this friendship, and the collusion
up and down K Street in Washington.
Populism is that … populism. Sure, it lacks intellectual
underpinnings. The last thing that this country needs, however, is another
probing debate on policy. We need our guys to win. We need them to take the
reins of power and corral our country to its fundamental principles.
Can Donald Trump really do that? We can hope.
I do know that he is a better alternative to Hillary
CIinton, a political hack whom even the most ardent of Democrats cannot stand,
along with the awakening public. Do we really want another Clinton in the White
So, the Republican Party has a rodeo clown at the top of the
That’s not a bad role for him to play.
After all, Donald Trump is entertaining and colorful. Even I
found his “Rosie O’Donnell” joke funny.
A rodeo clown has a few responsibilities. His chief act is
to run around a lot, distracting wild animals from goring the bull-riders. He
also has to make people laugh. If the rodeo clown gets hit or hurt, it’s not a
big deal. In fact, near-fatal accidents can work to everyone’s advantage, and
become part of the show.
God knows, the conservative movement is quietly taking back
our streets, cities, and our statehouses. We need the media going after a
target which in turn targets them. Andrea
Mitchell basically read her own obituary with a news crawl asking the question
about the Trump ascendancy
: “How could the media miss this?”
The economy is not getting better fast enough, but for those
who are willing to learn, to adapt, and adopt new skills to face the
challenges, Donald Trump’s wild general election romp will give them something
to look forward to. He has bad polling numbers. So does Hillary Clinton, and I
imagine they are about to get worse. She is a lot less entertaining, too, and
widely despised.
Republicans are divided? Democrats are dividing. Notice the
present progressive tense (pun intended). Bernie Sanders is dragging down
Clinton’s second bid for the White House, kicking and screaming. Unlike four
years ago, the Republican nominee presumptive is attacking her! Who is taking
advantage of this Democratic divide? The Rodeo Clown!
This tweet
tosses the lasso
around Crooked Hillary and Goofy Elizabeth Warren.
Finally, the Republican top of the ticket fights the left,
not the base.

I say “Giddyup!” I am voting for the rodeo clown!
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